Get your table ready for spring and summer! Mug rugs make a delightful hostess gift and are sure to be appreciated. They are a reminder to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and a treat with a special friend. Finished sizes: strawberry 7" x 11 3/4"; pineapple 10" x 10 1/2"; watermelon 6 3/4" x 11...

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Download Quilting Patterns for Home & Apparel!

Quilting has been a traditional craft and continues to be a popular hobby. Quilters sew history into their stitches and create quilted ties to the past for future generations to enjoy. If you've been searching for a place to download quilt patterns, you're in the right place! From beginner skill levels on up, you'll find hundreds of easy to download e-quilt patterns.

If you're just learning how to quilt, check out our stitch guide. We have quilting lessons that are sure to help you. Our quilting experts have advice on how to choose fabric or quilting shears and thimbles. We also have instructions on how to make appliques, hand piecing and many other quilting techniques.

If you have the quilting fabric, we have lots of quilting patterns to download for quilted baby blankets, quilted home decor and even quilted clothing. Download our quilting patterns, grab your fabric and get quilting!