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Karlsson på taket #1-3

Три повести за Карлсон: Карлсон, който живее на покрива; Карлсон от покрива отново лети; Ето го пак Карлсон от покрива

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Карлсон е красив, умен, прилично дебел мъж в разцвета на силите си. Той живее в къщичка на покрива, скътана зад голям комин. При това умее да лети и то не със самолет, а със собствена перка на гърба. За Дребосъчето - чипоносо момченце на седем години, е истински късмет да има такъв необикновен приятел в игрите.
В тази книга са включени трите романа за Карлсон и Дребосъчето: "Карлсон, който живее на покрива" (1955), "Карлсон от покрива отново лети" (1962) и "Ето го пак Карлсон от покрива" (1968).

447 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1970

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About the author

Astrid Lindgren

1,037 books3,494 followers
Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren, née Ericsson, (1907 - 2002) was a Swedish children's book author and screenwriter, whose many titles were translated into 85 languages and published in more than 100 countries. She has sold roughly 165 million copies worldwide. Today, she is most remembered for writing the Pippi Longstocking books, as well as the Karlsson-on-the-Roof book series.

Hans Christian Andersen Award for Writing (1958)

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Profile Image for Manny.
Author 34 books15k followers
February 21, 2022
I am still less than halfway through my omnibus German edition of the Karlsson trilogy, but I am so incensed by some of the uncomprehending comments I see elsewhere that I have to post my reply now. For the poor, unfortunate souls who don't know this wonderful story, Lillebror is a seven year old boy, "a perfectly normal seven year old boy who lives in a perfectly normal house in a perfectly normal street". He has a perfectly normal family which consists of his mother, his father and his older brother and sister. They are all very nice people (especially his mother, who bakes killer cinnamon rolls) but they never have time to talk to him. Like many lonely kids, Lillebror has an imaginary friend, and that's perfectly normal too.

The one thing that's not perfectly normal is that Lillebror's imaginary friend actually exists. His name is Karlsson, and he's a fat, selfish, vain little man who lives in a house on the roof. He has a propeller on his back which lets him fly around, and he is extremely fond of meatballs and practical jokes. He's an all-round bad influence, but, at least in the Swedish original, he's irresistible, and it's quite clear why Lillebror adores him.

Somehow, I can see that Karlsson's charm doesn't survive translation into most languages. I think this is perhaps because much of it resides in his wonderful collection of catchphrases, which don't seem to come out right in English and French. But they appear to work in German! Right in chapter one, Karlsson greets Lillebror with his trademark "Heißa hopsa!" (Swedish: Hejsan hoppsan!). He sees Lillebror's toy steam engine and asks if he can play with it.

"I'm only allowed to play with it if Dad or my big brother is watching," says Lillebror prudently.

"Dad or your big brother or Karlsson!" says Karlsson at once. "World's best steam engine operator, guess who that is?"

It's Karlsson, but despite his world-famous expertise he screws the safety valve all the way down and manages to make the steam engine explode. Lillebror is rather unhappy that his precious steam engine is lying in pieces all over the room, but Karlsson gives an airy wave of his fat little hand. "Ruhig, ganz ruhig!", he says (in the original, Lugn, bara lugn!) "Das stört keinen großen Geist" (Det är en världslig sak). And somehow it's alright again.

I just can't think how to put Karlsson's all-purpose explanation into English so that it works, but I can assure you that it does work in at least two languages. The magic of words... for many Swedish and German kids, this is where it starts.

Tatiana (message #5) says that Karlsson's catchphrases work in Russian too. According to the ever-helpful Wikipedia, Lugn, bara lugn is «Спокойствие, только спокойствие» and Det är en världslig sak is «Пустяки, дело житейское».

Matt tells me in another thread that "Das stört keinen großen Geist", which he'd always assumed was a standard expression of long standing, turns out to come originally from this very book.

World's best adder of phrases to the German language, guess who that is?

I've looked around and located online versions of Karlsson in Swedish, German, English and Russian. From these, I have compiled a preliminary version of

The World's Best Catchphrases

The greeting phrase:

SE: Hejsan hoppsan!
DE: Heißa hopsa!
NL: Ha Ha!
EN: Hi-ho!
FR: Tiens! T'es là toi?
IT: Ciao ciao!
RU: Привет!
ET: Hei hopsti!

The boasting phrase

SE: Vacker och genomklok och lagom tjock
DE: Schön und grundgescheit und gerade richtig dick
NL: Knap, heel verstandig en net dik genoeg
EN: Handsome, remarkably wise, and just plump enough
FR: Beau, extrêmement intelligent et bien proportionné
IT: Bello, superintelligente e grasso al punto giusto
RU: Красивый, умный и в меру упитанный
ET: Ilus, ülitark ja parajalt paks (mees oma parimates aastates)

The all-purpose calming phrase:

SE: Lugn, bara lugn!
DE: Ruhig, ganz ruhig!
NL: Hou je maar koest, hou je maar koest!
EN: Calm, be calm!
FR: Du calme ! Pas de panique !
IT: Non ti preoccupare!
RU: Спокойствие, только спокойствие!
ET: Rahu, ainult rahu!

The all-purpose apology phrase:

SE: Det är en världslig sak
DE: Das stört keinen großen Geist
NL: Och, dat is volkomen onbelangrijk
EN: It's a small matter
FR: C'est purement matériel
IT: Sciocchezze, soltanto sciocchezze
RU: Пустяки, дело житейское
ET: Ah, see on tühiasi

The sulking phrase:

SE: Jag är inte med!
DE: Ich mach' nicht mit!
NL: Ik doe niet meer mee!
EN: I'm going home!
FR: Je ne joue plus !
IT: Non ci sto!
RU: Я просто вне себя!
ET: Mina enam ei mängi!

Dutch data added courtesy of Ilse, Italian courtesy of Plch, Estonian from Laura and French from Karlsson sur le toit. I'm hoping that more Karlsson fans will contribute to this vital Internet archive!


The third volume isn't quite as good as the first and second, and the German translation isn't quite as good as the Swedish original, but all in all I can happily say that this is one of the most brilliant comic novels ever written. I hope someone produces an English translation some day which does it justice. It's quite inexplicable that this hasn't happened yet.
Smälla ska det göra och roligt vill jag ha
uti bosse bisse basse bisse bom, fallera
och filura ska jag göra vareviga dag
uti bosse bisse basse bisse bom
Det ska va hejsan och hoppsan och bompa
alla ska va snälla mot mig tycker jag
uti hoj hoj hoj
uti voj voj voj
uti bosse bisse basse bisse bom
Profile Image for Žydrūnas Jonušas.
129 reviews19 followers
June 30, 2023
Pagaliau baigta. Užtrukom su dukra nemažai, bet reikėjo. Naudos buvo ir man, nes nebuvau skaitęs ir siužeto tiksliai net nežinojau.
Tai galiu pasakyti tik viena - Karlsonas yra suskis! Sunku jį pritempti iki teigiamo personažo :)

O šiaip tai vertėjos darbas - kažkas ypatingo. Daugelyje vietų išsireiškimai tokie sudėtingai ir giliai lietuviškai skambantys, kad atrodo, jog tai natūraliai lietuviškas tekstas. Vertėja - Rūta Zita Saukienė (garsiojo Šarūno Saukos motina).

8/10. Linkiu visiems vaikams ir nevaikams.
Profile Image for Maya Yankulova.
161 reviews24 followers
May 30, 2021
Това е първата, голяма книга, която прочетох сама. Най-много ми хареса краят. Карлсон е много забавен и палав и казва, че е най-добър във всяко отношение.
Profile Image for Книжни Криле.
3,115 reviews173 followers
August 8, 2020
Жегата ви е накарала да се затворите вкъщи? Мъчи ви лятна скука? Спокойствие и само спокойствие! Карлсон от покрива все още е в разцвета на силите си и е готов отново да ви навести в новото луксозно издание на изд. „Пан”. Знаменитата трилогия на Астрид Линдгрен излиза за първи път на български с цветни илюстрации, но това е дреболия, обикновено нещо, за което дори не си струва да се говори. След като така и така празнуваме 75-тата годишнина на Пипи Дългото чорапче, напълно в реда на нещата е да отбележим и 65-тия рожден ден на този виден художник на петлета и коносьор на кюфтенца, кифлички и какао! Да, най-добре веднага да започваме тържеството, иначе току виж рожденикът взел, че се гневрирал едно хубаво. „Три повести за Карлсон” събира всички приключения на един красив, много умен и прилично дебел мъж в разцвета на силите си и доказва, че полетът на фантазията задължително минава над покривите на Стокхолм. Любимо четиво за всички големи и малки Дребосъчета! Прочетете ревюто на "Книжни Криле": https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/202...
Profile Image for Svenja.
916 reviews62 followers
January 5, 2017
Ich will ehrlich sein:
Karlsson ging mir manchmal sehr auf die Nerven :D

Aber trotzdem sind das Kindheitserinnerungen und ich mag die Geschichten von Astrid Lindgren einfach zu gerne :)
Profile Image for Elena Problem.
70 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2023
История такая же отличная, какой и запомнилась с детства. Частенько посмеивалась над проделками этой парочки.

Теперь я знаю, как на немецком звучит «мужчина в самом расцвете сил» и «а можно ли мне немного наличных, чтобы купить маленького щенка».

Из неожиданного: аудиокнижку зачитывала САМА Астрид Линдгрен. Это невероятная роскошь, конечно, услышать историю в ее собственном исполнении.
Но божечки, как сложно слушать историю с акцентом. Некоторые простые фразы я с трудом узнавала. Но голос Мега приятный и душевный.
Profile Image for Vitalija|Vivija Books.
49 reviews74 followers
April 22, 2020
Astrid Lindgren “Mažylis ir Karlsonas, kuris gyvena ant stogo”
Mes visi nuo vaikystės turime savo mylimiausius rašytojus, kuriuos prisimename ir būdami suaugę. Jie mūsų neapleidžia, nors mes juos ir primirštame, padeda mums nepasiduoti tada, kai atrodo nėra išeities iš susidariusios sudėtingos padėties. Bent jau man visada taip yra. Jie tarsi mūsų kelrodžiai, sergėtojai. Viena iš tokių man visados buvo garsioji švedų autorė – Astrida Lindgren (1907 – 2002).
Kaip ir daugelio, mano pažintis su šia nuostabia autore prasidėjo ankstyvoje vaikystėje, kai į rankas paėmiau legendinę jos knygą “Pepė Ilgakojinė”. Dar iki šios prisimenu minkštą ryškiai geltoną viršelį su neįprasta mergaite jame. Perskaičiusi apie jos nuotykius bei išdaigas supratau, kad niekados neužmiršiu šio literatūrinio personažo. Dar labiau Astridą įsimylėjau, kai po metų, o gal dviejų mokykloje teko skaityti kitą jos knygą. Ta knyga vadinosi “Ronja, plėšiko duktė”. Būtent apie šią knygą vis papasakoju vaikams, kurie knygyne ieško kažko įdomaus. Gaila, kad jos vis dar neperleidžia… Bet ši kartą noriu jums visiems pristatyti dar vieną šios autorės knygą, kurios deka pasaulis susipažino su viso pasaulio vaikų draugu – Karlsonu, kuris gyvena ant stogo.
Mano ir senesnės kartos vaikai (naiviai tikiuosi, kad ir dabartinė) puikiai prisimename, kaip per tuometinę nacionalinę televiziją rodydavo animacinių filmukų rinkinį – seriją “Mažylis ir Karlsonas”. Jeigu gerai pamenu rodydavo vakarais per laidą “Labanakt, vaikučiai” (galiu ir klysti). Kas vakarą nekantraudami laukdavome kiekvienos naujos serijos. Mums, vaikams, tai buvo kažkas tokio, ko dar iki šiol negalime pamiršti. Taip ir įvyko mano pirmoji pažintis su Karlsonu, Mažyliu bei namų darkytoja freken Bok. Ir štai dabar, po daugelio metų, į mano rankas pakliuvo pati knyga. Gėda prisipažinti, bet niekada jos neteko skaityti. Taigi, nusprendžiau ištaisyti šią klaidą ir dar kartą atiduoti duoklę Astridai.
Ką galiu jums pasakyti? Džiaugiausi skaitydama kiekvieną šios senos knygos eilutę. Taip pat grožėjausi įstabaus grožio iliustracijomis, kurios gausiai iliustravo visa knygą. Atrodė, kad skaitydama vis i�� naujo peržiūriu visą animaciją ir vėl iš naujo prisimenu savo vaikystę. Ypač, patiko skyriai susiję su freken Bok arba kai Karlsonas su Mažyliu gaudė vagis. O kur dar nepamirštamasis Karlsono gimtadienis…
Ši knyga man leido prisiminti vienus gražiausių vaikystės prisiminimus, suprastti kodėl man taip daug reiškia knyga bei pats skaitymas. Ir dar kartą įsitikinti, kad klasika niekada nemiršta. Ji gyvuoja per amžius, nesvarbu kiek laiko gali praeiti.
Profile Image for Диана Маркова.
Author 3 books9 followers
June 4, 2023
Тази книга служи вярно на своите читатели - малки и големи. И омиротворява в бурните и тъжни дни. Същинско щастие е човек да поживее малко с Карлсон и неговите бели. И със сигурност обичта, която книгата поражда, ще остане доживот.
Profile Image for Jānis.
387 reviews33 followers
December 7, 2017
Kas var būt labāks par Karlsonu? Daudz Karlsona. Esam pabeiguši - tagad jāņem ko mierīgāku, citādi šīs grāmatas garumā miegu vakaros bērnam sagaidīt bija ļoti grūti.
Profile Image for Katie Cat Books.
1,062 reviews
January 1, 2018
Classic. Troublemaker. Swedish.

Story: In this third book in the series, a reward has been offered to give information regarding the Flying object in the city. Midge and his family are worried, as the newspaper means Karlson! But Karlson doesn't mind. He is too busy stealing oatmeal, peaches and throwing water balloons out the window.

Characters: Midge, Karlson and his family are back, along with Uncle Julius and Miss Black. Also returning are the two burglars, Filly and Folly.

Language: This is a juvenile level book, with large font and many black and white illustrations throughout. The story and formula follow the first book. Karlson continues his invented words and songs and Swedish culture shines through the book.

It's no Peppi but younger readers will enjoy the series.
Profile Image for Joe.
21 reviews
March 30, 2015
Ich bin wirklich ein Fan von sämtlichen Büchern von Astrid Lindgren - dieses gehört bedauerlicherweise NICHT dazu. An sich gelingt es der Autorin schon eine "heile" und "idyllische" Kinderwelt zu kreieren, wie das sonst so der Fall ist, jedoch ist die Figur Karlsson vom Dach einfach absolut unsympatisch. Die Figur verkörpert einfach nur Egoismus und Dreistigkeit ohne dabei lustig zu sein. Erstaunlich, dass das Buch trotzdem so viele Anhänger hat, denen es gefällt.
Profile Image for Krzysztof Wróblewski.
49 reviews5 followers
May 14, 2021
Początek niezły, rozwinięcie średnie, koniec męczący. Chyba najbardziej niesympatyczny bohater Astrid Lindgren ever. I to nie jest zdanie czytającego ale temu któremu czytano. Sam jestem zdziwiony :-)
Profile Image for Victoria Evangelina Allen.
428 reviews144 followers
July 16, 2018
Пять звёздочек за то, что это была моя самая любимая книга в детстве! Почемуууу?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Муж выдал теорию: «потому что Карлсон очень напоминает твою маму!» 😂😂😂 ну вообще-то.... есть в этом крупица правды! 🤦🏼‍♀️🙈
Profile Image for MsDanilini.
78 reviews10 followers
Shelved as 'abgebrochen'
February 6, 2021
Ich habe es zusammen mit meinem 6 jährigen Sohn gelesen. Bei Seite 50 haben wir abgebrochen. Wir mögen Karlsson nicht...
92 reviews
January 2, 2015
I heard wonderful things about this book from people who read it as a child. Now, I understand why. It has much appeal for very young readers who find the idea of Karlsson cool. I, on the other hand, found myself debating putting the book on the shelf. I became so frustrated with the relationship between Karlsson and Lilibror that at times I just didn't want to read anymore. I did find the story well written and the characters consistent. I found most of the situations believable even if they were fantastical.
Profile Image for Jas K.
110 reviews2 followers
August 2, 2023
As expected, I had the world's best time with the world's best Karlson. Even though book 2 still takes the cake in my personal ranking of the Karlson series, this one is a very close second. It's just as full of memorable moments and quotes from the handsome and thoroughly clever and perfectly plump man in his prime who 'scares off burglars with his bistol'. His three methods for coping with practically any situation -- from mildly annoying houseguests to thuggy thieves out for riches -- jiggery-pokery, tirritation and figuration, why, they're bound to bring a laugh even to the darkest days.
Meanwhile, dear little Smidge is just as relatable as ever -- which is certainly funny since he's meant to be the Everyboy -- how on Earth does he manage to be so relatable to this girl over here? Whatever the case may be, I fully agree with his open-mindedness ('Anybody has the right to be Karlson'), the technicalities in his literal mind (Why, of course he hasn't got the newspaper if it's in his desk) -- which, incidentally, is a trait he shares with Karlson (keyholes are supposed to have keys in, and peepholes are meant for peeping through) -- and I've got to admire the cheeky mischievousness poking through his mask of shy politeness. I absolutely adore these two and would come back to spend time with them any day. 100 000/5* for this third and final instalment in the Karlson series. It's no less than the world's best (and richest) Karlson deserves.
Profile Image for Rézina Dějová.
354 reviews38 followers
March 30, 2023
Dočteno se sedmiletkou. Karkulín je jeden z mála hrdinů Astrid Lindgren, který mi do teď unikal. Možná proto mě docela překvapilo, jak se poťouchlost toho skrčka pohybuje na hranici zákeřné škodolibosti. Karkulín totiž lže, krade a škodí, jen je to tu oděno do kabátku roztomilé nevědomosti o běžných konvencích mezilidských vztahů. Jeho eskapády se do jisté míry podobobají společenským faux-pas Pipi dlouhé punčochy (dokonce jsem narazila na vtip, který je použitý v obou knihách). Až na to, že Pipi není poťouchlý a neskutečně sobecký strejda ve středním věku, co oknem létá do dětských ložnic, aby si mohl pohrát. V dnešní době docela odvážná zápletka. :)

Oceňuju kreativní český překlad. Jméno Karkulín mi zní libozvučněji než originální Karlsson.
Profile Image for madziagda.
84 reviews
March 26, 2023
Karlsson to chyba najbardziej antypatyczny bohater wymyślony przez Lindgren. Nie ma w nim nic pozytywnego. Jest zapatrzonym w siebie egoistą, który manipuluje Braciszkiem, obraża go i wykorzystuje. Ich przyjaźń jest wręcz toksyczna, bo jak można nazwać relację, w której jedna strona nieustannie nazywa drugą głupkiem, kompletnie ignoruje jej potrzeby, a ta druga cieszy się z byle ochłapów typu: No, opiekuję się tobą, bo przecież jestem najlepszy. Nie umiem zrozumieć, dlaczego autorka cudownych i wzruszających historii dla dzieci, jak ta o Pippi czy Emilu, stworzyła tak nieprzyjemną postać. To już mój siedmiolatek rozumie, że nie tak wygląda przyjaźń.
January 11, 2019
Может в детстве это читать и интересно и смешно.
А вот при чтении в более взрослом возрасте книга воспринимается совсем по другому.
Карлсон - грубый, хитрый, изворотливый, лживый и наглый эгоист. Постоянно дурит Малыша, вымагает деньги, еду и игрушки. И ведет себя просто отвратно. Никакого уважение к окружающим.
Полный антипример для подражания.
Profile Image for Katarína Harčová.
164 reviews6 followers
January 23, 2021
Ďalšia knižka od synovca prečítaná. Podľa sestry by sa mi mal Karkulín pačiť, ale musím povedať, že mi to prišlo ako veľmi jednoduchá knižka, ....

Avšak niektoré hlášky pobavili, ...:

"Jsem krasavec, trochu při těle, náramne chytrý a v najlepších letech!"

""Až se vrátim, tak sníme moc a moc dortu," volal,"protože z toho dnešního jsme neztloustli. Nazdárek Bene!""
Profile Image for iibook.
74 reviews
September 23, 2021
Dieses Buch gefiel mir leider gar nicht... Karlsson ist mega unsympathisch, Lillebror ist auch kein Vorbild für Kinder. Bisher hat sich mir der Sinn der Geschichte nicht erschlossen. Keine Ahnung, was dieses Buch Kindern beibringen soll, abgesehen von "Sei bloß nicht so wie Karlsson und auch nicht so wie Lillebror". Mein Ding war es auf jeden Fall nicht...
Profile Image for Esta.
160 reviews
January 13, 2022
pretty weird premise for a little boy to have a little man who can fly who lives in a little house on his roof but actually I dig it. there's a funny bit when the boy smuggles meatballs to karlson bcos karlson is hungry also I seem to remember him going to karlsons house and there's a painting that karlson has done and it's mostly a blank canvas except for a tiny chicken in one corner. hilarious.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 65 reviews

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