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Мофонго: ароматът на душата

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Трогателна семейна история за големите страхове и за малките победи, гарнирана с щипка екзотичен привкус.

Десетгодишният Себастиан мечтае да играе футбол и да вкарва голове. Момчето е родено със сърдечен порок, който не му позволява да тича. Родителите му правят всичко по силите си, за да го закрилят, но не могат да го предпазят от подигравките на връстниците му. Себастиан намира убежище в кухнята на баба си Лола, която приготвя специалитети от родното си Пуерто Рико. Вкусните екзотични ястия не само укрепват тялото, но и лекуват душата. Себастиан се пренася на райския зелен остров и вкусва от радостта от живота. Заедно с баба си момчето се потапя в един непознат свят, изпълнен с образи, цветове и ухания. Тя споделя с него отдавна забравени семейни истории и важни житейски уроци.

Но за да опознае своите корени, Себастиан трябва да се научи да приготвя мофонго. Любимото на цялото семейство ястие носи духа и аромата на Пуерто Рико.

Себастиан става по-силен и вярва, че може да превърне мечтата си в реалност. Но не знае каква ще е цената...

336 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2010

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About the author

Cecilia Samartin

28 books183 followers
I was born in Cuba at the height of the revolution. My family left when I was nine months old so I have no memories of my own, although I "borrowed" countless memories from my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
I grew up in a quiet Los Angeles suburb and secretly dreamed of becoming a writer, but after high school I decided to study psychology instead and became a marriage and family therapist. I'm glad I did because my experience as a therapist is what finally inspired me to face my fears, and embrace my dream of becoming a writer.
Most of my clients over the years have been immigrants like me so many of my stories reflect the themes of lost homeland, and the search for meaning/identity in a new world.
I think of myself more as a story teller than a writer. Perhaps because as a story teller it is easier to envision myself engaging in a two way conversation with my readers, much as I do with my clients. Nothing is more gratifying for me than to receive comments and messages from my readers. I learn so much, and it inspires me as nothing else to keep writing.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews
Profile Image for Julio Araujo.
17 reviews20 followers
February 9, 2020
Que maravillosa historia me regala febrero...

Gracias Cecilia Samartin, que hermosa, me dejo verdaderamente fuera de mi, dentro de mi top 10 de este año, haber como lo termina.

Totalmente se los recomiendo.
Profile Image for Kirjoihin kadonnut || Johanna.
878 reviews91 followers
March 28, 2021
Voi, tämä oli niin ihana. Sai ajattelemaan ja sukelsi suoraan ihon alle. Arvasin kyllä jo alussa mihin suuntaan tarina tulee menemään, mutta se ei haitannut. Uskottavat, ihanan persoonalliset henkilöhahmot ja tarinassa oli syvyyttä sekä tunnetta. Mukavasti eksoottista maustetta mukana ja ne ruuat sai herahtamaan veden kielelle tai ei kaikki - kokonainen porsas tai vuohi vartaassa ei suoranaisesti houkuttele syömään.
Profile Image for meri.
845 reviews29 followers
March 30, 2021
I read this book club book we had ~a month for in a week as it was such an easy read, lovely, warm and touching. To me the ending was surprising and therefore shocking and sad. I really enjoyed reading Mofongo.
Profile Image for James Field.
Author 25 books74 followers
December 17, 2017
If this novel was intended as a tear-jerker, then the author succeeded. Not only because the story was intentionally heartbreakingly sad, but also because it had me laughing at its absurdity in places, and crying at its style.
Why laugh? The main character is a weedy ten-year-old boy with a dickey heart, who in my opinion, came through more like an adolescent. These are a few examples of his thoughts:

“Standing in the doorway with her thick hair slung over her shoulder, and one hand poised on her shapely hip, (Ms. Ashworth) was positively breathtaking.”
When I was ten years old I thought yucky girls came from a different planet and woman (no matter what age) were a generation so far apart that I'd have to live a hundred years before I got that decrepit.

‘ "We're going to learn a lot aren't we?" (Ms. Ashworth) said, crossing her shapely legs as she graced him with a smile that made his heart beat a little faster than it should.’

“He knew that old people talked about their adventures at the hospital as though they were discussing their latest vacation.”
Clever boy.

“The chicken was moist and tender, and he could taste the fresh garlic and onion in every bite.”
Probably missed the hint of oregano and squeeze of lemon since he was only ten years old.

“When Gloria glanced at Terence, he smiled in a way that let her know he was fine.”
Oh yeah, what way was that?

“He dipped his spoon into the bowl again, marvelling at the depth of flavour such a simple meal could possess.”
A ten-year-old connoisseur?

Why cry? The head hopping drove me crazy, swapping Point Of View even within paragraphs. I swear, if a dog had walked past the scene we would have heard its POV too. A tedious plot didn't help matters either.
I wanted to give the story two stars, but that would have been unfair. If you enjoy sentimental, heart-rending novels, and consider my criticism to be nothing more than nit-picking dribble, then I predict you will love this story and recommend you give it a try.
Profile Image for Laura Walin.
1,623 reviews64 followers
January 2, 2019
Vähän puhdasta hömppää lomapäiviin. Tarina kertoo kymmenvuotiaasta, sydänsairaasta Sebastian-pojasta ja hänen suvustaan. Toisena päähenkilönä on sukuaan koossa pitävä isoäiti. Sebastianin elämässä on liikuntarajoitusten lisäksi koulukiusaamista, huoli vanhempien rakoilevasta avioliitosta, huoli isoäidin voinnista ja mitä vielä. Isoäidin ruoanlaitto osoittautuu keinoksi, jolla ongelmia saadaan pikku hiljaa ratkottua. Ilman ylidramaattista loppua, jossa takuuvarmasti käännetään kaikki kyynelhanat auki tälle kirjalle olisin voinut harkita antavani jopa kaksi tähteä. Nyt loppu tuli töksähtäen deux machninan lailla.
Profile Image for Vessy.
42 reviews6 followers
May 19, 2018
Ароматът на душата

Няма по-прекрасен аромат за душата от топлата кухня, смесицата от ухаещи подправки, бълбукащите зеленчуци и гладните вперени детски очи в тенджерата, която къкри сладостно на котлона.

Мофонго е една приятна книга изпълнена с много топлина и уют. Книга, която успява да сплоти дори инатливите възрастни, момчетата пакостници. Дори семейните проблеми изглеждат смешни, когато хората се съберат около масата за да усетят храната, да споделят проблемите, преживяванията си, своите болки и проблеми.
Една тъжна, но опияняваща книга за нещата от живота, с които се сблъсква всекидневно всеки един от нас, поднесена с невероятен аромат на домашно приготвена храна и щипка любов.
Profile Image for BooksAndFrogs (Mervi).
424 reviews18 followers
July 4, 2019
Onko mitään latinalaisamerikkalaisempaa kuin sydämellään ruokaa laittava abuela, isoäiti, jonka notkuvan pöydän ääreen kokoontuvat lapset, lapsenlapset, ystävät ja naapurit?! Isoäidin herkullisista ruokalajeista nauttiessaan he oppivat samalla sukunsa historiasta. Jalkapallosankaruudesta haaveileva sydänsairas Sebastiankin vahvistuu sekä fyysisesti ja henkisesti abuelan opettaessa häntä kokkaamaan puertoricolaisia perinneruokia. Vielä kun aikuiset hautaisivat ikiaikaiset sotakirveensä, olisi kaikki yhtä kaunista kuin taivaassa.

Jos ja kun vesi herahtaa tätä lukiessa kielelle (ei muuten kannata lukea tätä kirjaa nälkäisenä!), niin kirjan lopusta löytyy reseptit kaikkiin kirjassa mainittuihin ruokalajeihin. Melkein kokeilin niitä jo itsekin. :)
Profile Image for Toñi Garcia Rodriguez.
14 reviews2 followers
June 11, 2019
Sin palabras, una historia bellísima que es un canto a las raíces de la familia narrado maravillosamente por una autora que desconocía y a la cuál pienso seguir.
La complicidad del niño y la abuela me ha parecido magnífica e inigualable.
Profile Image for Laura Rojas.
169 reviews
April 24, 2020
Me encantó, ay Dios y también lloré!! Hace tiempo no me enamoraba de un libro así. La inocencia de Sebastian, la ternura de la abuela, el miedo de la mamá, todos los miembros de la familia, Terrence, todos tocaron mi corazón. Los voy a extrañar.
Profile Image for Valuzza Deimos Baguette.
49 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2019
Tutto l'amore di nonna Lola
Cecilia Samartin

La trama:California,Pasadena,complesso residenziale di Bungalow Heaven,qui vive Dolores,chiamata da tutta la sua famiglia Abuela Lola,si perchè questa arzilla vecchietta di 75 anni,alta 1 metro e 50 cm,con bianchi capelli ondulati e occhialoni è originaria di Porto Rico ed è orgogliosa delle sue origini e lo dimostra cucinando piatti tipici della sua terra.
Lola ha 3 figli,Mando,Gloria e Gabi.
Gloria è la figlia mezzana di Lola è un agente immobiliare ed è sposata con Dean da cui ha due figli,Jennifer un adolescente e Sebastian.
Sebastian ha 10 anni ed è molto malato,è nato con una grave malformazione cardiaca e da neonato ha dovuto affrontare due operazioni che hanno messo in serio pericolo la sua vita,tutti i pomeriggi va dalla sua abuela Lola,che abita vicino alla scuola elementare che frequenta e con cui ha un rapporto bellissimo,Sebastian non può correre e comportarsi come un bambino della sua età,deve sempre stare a riposo anche se il suo sogno è quello di correre libero sul campo da calcio e diventare un giocatore.
Zio mando è il fratello maggiore di Gloria ed è sposato con Susan,una donna snob,che non va d'accordo con Gloria e proprio per questo motivo la famiglia non trascorre più tempo insieme.
Keith è un bambino che va in classe con Sebastian ed è un bulletto che spesso prende di mira gli altri e Sebastian avrà presto modo di provarlo sulla sua pelle.
Tutto scorre normalmente nella vita di Sebastian fino a che un pomeriggio entrando in casa della nonna la trova riversa a terra e quando Lola si risveglierà non sarà più la nonna che Sebastian conosceva,gentile e remissiva e le cose prenderanno una piega totalmente diversa rispetto a prima,inoltre Sebastian inizierà a vedere nella sua mente una strana donna anziana dai capelli neri,ma chi è questa donna?e che cosa vuole ottenere nonna Lola diventata di colpo sincera e diretta con tutti?Cucinando insieme nonna Lola insegnerà a Sebastian molte cose e non solo inerenti alla cucina.

La mia opinione:
Premetto che mi aspettavo un libro del tutto diverso leggendo la sinossi e invece sono incappata in una storia che non è riuscita a coinvolgermi più di tanto e che secondo me aveva tanti elementi abbastanza scontati come bambini malati e vecchietti ironici,mi è sembrato infatti un metodo per "vincere facile" dell'autrice,quale bambino malato di cuore non susciterebbe empatia?ma secondo me i personaggi rimangono comunque tratteggiati solo a grandi linee,senza approfondimenti e questo va proprio a discapito dell'empatia che potrebbero invece suscitare.
Un altra cosa che non ho amato,ma riconosco essere un mio limite personale è il continuo parlare di cibo,ricette e modi per preparare le pietanze,in generale trovo proprio indigesti questi tipi di romanzi e questo è zeppo di ricette,detto questo una volta che questo bambino trita aglio e cipolla e peperoni non vedo perché farglielo rifare 8 volte durante tutto il volume,diventa veramente tedioso.
In linea di massima anche la trama non è delle più stimolanti,è fondamentalmente un romanzo molto lento,dove per pagine e pagine accade poco o nulla e anche il finale risulta abbastanza banale.
Apprezzo che l'autrice abbia cercato di affrontare temi come il bullismo o l'emarginazione sociale degli anziani,ma a parere mio non è stata particolarmente efficace.
Profile Image for Virginia.
1,184 reviews14 followers
September 9, 2021
Enternecedor relato que trata sobre la importancia de la comida como nexo de unión de la familia, La abuela Lola, llega al corazón con su ternura y al estómago con sus deliciosas recetas que, como bien dice ella, alimentan el cuerpo y nutre el alma.

La autora, Cecilia Samartin, totalmente desconocida para mi, ha demostrado su valía. Su estilo de escritura resulta correcto con una prosa pragmática y funcional, unas descripciones sencillas y unos personajes bastante conseguidos. De éstos últimos, son los protagonistas, Sebastian y Lola, los que mejor construidos están.
El único punto negativo que le veo está en la estructura. En este libro Sebastian es el único narrador, lo que hace que, a veces, el libro te resulte un tanto infantil y aburrido de leer.

Viendo la sinopsis ya intuyes que necesitarás sacar los pañuelos para leer esta historia. La abuela Lola, narra la vida de Sebastian, un niño que tiene un defecto cardíaco que le impide correr y jugar con los demás. Pero gracias a ello ha sido capaz de formar un fuerte vínculo con su abuela con la que come todos los días después del colegio. Un día, Sebastian descubre a su abuela en el suelo , lo que deriva en una estancia hospitalaria, tras la cual, Lola decide cambiar radicalmente su vida y volver a cocinar todos aquellos deliciosos platos de comida que hacía en Puerto Rico, su país natal. A través de historias pintorescas y muy interesantes, Lola y su nieto, nos muestran como cocinar es algo más que preparar alimentos; puede ser la magia que vuelva a unir a la familia, que conquiste el corazón de la persona amada o que te ayude a reconciliarte con tus miedos. Y es que, aunque la comida ocupa el lugar principal en la trama, la novela también habla de cuestiones importantes como la pérdida de un ser querido, la familia, el amor, el sufrimiento y, sobre todo, la esperanza. Y eso es lo te queda al final, cuando la terminas. Es decir, el desenlace es triste, pero no te deja una sensación amarga, más bien lo contrario. Y es que está hecho de tal forma que lo único que sientes son unas ganas de vivir y de seguir adelante enormes.

Resumiendo, La abuela Lola, es un gran libro que emociona y enseña importantes lecciones. Y que recuerda a hogar, a reuniones con los tuyos y, sobre todo, a amor. Algo que nunca deberíamos olvidar con el estrés de la vida moderna.
Profile Image for Mystic Miraflores.
1,402 reviews9 followers
March 18, 2020
I thought this was a delightful book--up until the sad ending--which I enjoyed for the most part. The descriptions of the food and cooking process reminded me of my own Hispanic background and the similar foods I grew up with. I appreciated the recipes in the back of the book. The characters were well-developed. Sebastian is a wonderful main character. I would have loved to give this book 5 stars, but the numerous misspellings and punctuation errors detracted from an otherwise excellent book. I see that the book was published by Peregrino Publishing and they did a great disservice to the author by doing a poor editing job. I would like to read other books by Ms. Samartin. I just hope that they are more professionally edited.
Profile Image for Marta Guerrero.
263 reviews1 follower
July 18, 2023
Éste es un libro no muy conocido, probablemente por su tan sencilla trama, que asemeja a la de Wonder, ya que ni August ni Sebastián son chicos normales, no pueden jugar con sus compañeros, no pueden divertirse con sus amigos.
Este libro, con sus personajes personajes y sus familias te dejan grandes enseñanzas sobre la amistad y la familia.
Cecilia Sanmartin ha hecho un gran trabajo con esta novela, que además tiene un vocabulario y un lenguaje sencillos, y de manera tan fluida que se podría leer en dos tardes.
Éste es uno de esos libros que, no sólo por su historia sino también por su cultura (los personajes son de Puerto Rico, por lo que este país es muy nombrado), merece mucho más reconocimiento.
Profile Image for Angela Lopez De Arriba.
465 reviews21 followers
June 10, 2020
Una historia enternecedora y dura a la vez., donde los sentimientos es lo importante. Donde la narración es fluida y absorbente. Me ha gustado y me ha llegado al alma. Un alma que se comparte con cada uno de los personajes de esta historia. Y además se nos regalan unas recetas que desde el papel ya huelen deliciosas.

Sebastian es un niño cuyo corazón enfermo no le deja hacer todo lo que a su edad es normal. Su abuela una mujer mayor pero que tras una inesperada enfermedad, recupera las ganas de vivir y las ganas de compartir con su familia momentos de vida.
6 reviews
October 18, 2019
Wow. I'm speechless, this book is such a work of art. It had me smiling a lot, but also made me cry like a baby and broke my heart. I tried to guess the ending through the whole book, but it was nothing like I expected. I don't even know how to describe my feelings right now.

Loved. It.

This has to be the best book I've read in 2019, or at least one of them. Soooo good.
Profile Image for Victoria Heby.
1 review3 followers
June 30, 2017
I loved this book (read in Norwegian), the plot, the descriptions, beautiful. Also about the important things in life, and I love that. Unfortunately, a good part of the characters didn`t come alive to me as I wanted them to, so therefore I will not give it a full score.
Profile Image for Tytti Hirvonen.
233 reviews9 followers
July 10, 2021
Olihan tämä aika ihana! Ehkä hieman lapsellinen ja hieman liian sopivasti kaikki selittyi ja kävi, mutta jos se ei haittaa, vie kirjan tunnelma kyllä mennessään. Yhdessä syömistä ja kiireetöntä ruoanlaittoa tuli ikävä.
12 reviews1 follower
June 9, 2018
En hjerteskjærende historie om en gutt med en hjertefeil og store drømmer.
Profile Image for Peggy.
26 reviews
October 25, 2023

I fell in love with this little man and his grandmother. Reading about him brought me to tears. A wonderful book.
August 2, 2018
Great book

The story kept me captivated. It did not end as I thought. It was intriguing, sad, happy and motivating. A great read.
Profile Image for Kristen.
11 reviews
October 25, 2012

I am inexplicably moved by Cecilia Samartin as she has done it again with an amazing piece of artwork such as this. This tale intertwines deep family ties with heart wrenching truths and the strength to endure and face it all no matter what it takes, even if it means risking it all.

"Mofongo" truly reveals true mastery in the art of connecting with the author's readers. Samartin tugs on your heart strings as well as your hunger expressing a collective desire to soothe the soul. The story involves many fictional characters and situations to which you can apply to your own life in very interchangeable ways. Many of the situations she creates within this book have deeper meanings within them which allows you to even look internally to your own faults, and how to cope, change, and make better, and most importantly, to heal yourself; as you read about these others doing the same.

Also, Samartin has a fascinating insight on the culture, life, and movement of Puerto Rico and Cuba I have seen collectively through her books I have read thus far. She portrays it so beautifully that I feel a nostalgia as if I have travelled there myself. Amazing. The foods described throughout this entire book individually made my belly rumble and mouth water, and I have a crazy desire to make a family meal where everyone participates. I have fallen in love with this author's ability to move me toward an interest and passion for things I never knew I had!

If you are bored with your life, or find it hard to cope with the things you can't change, please find time to pick up this book, and go on a journey through the minds of many participators experiencing the same. It will do your soul a world of good.

Profile Image for Elizabeth (Stuffed Shelves).
530 reviews35 followers
August 10, 2013
This is an extremely touching story about a young boy Sebastian, his grandmother, and their captivating relationship. Sebastian has a condition that prevents him from accomplishing his goals of becoming a runner and a soccer player. He's bullied at school, and overly protected by his mother. His only escape is with Abuela Lola, his grandmother.

Lola has given up her cooking, including her cooking supplies as she prepares for death. When Sebastian finds his grandmother on the floor of her kitchen, they stop waiting for death and decide to live their life to the fullest while they still can.

Together they share stories, family history, life lessons, and cooking. Abuela is from Puerto Rico where their culture is full of amazing recipes. Now that she's living life to the fullest, she's started back in the kitchen. Mofongo is a dish made of fried plantains, hence the title. Families gather together to prepare the meal, as well as enjoy their labor while eating. In the back of the book, there are even some great recipes that I want to try.

There were tears, and there was laughter and I enjoyed every moment of it. Almost every emotional situation that Cecilia writes, can be related to your own personal life. This makes it very easy to relate to the story along with the characters. You can feel their emotions much easier and much more powerful.

It's an easy to read book that I believe everyone will enjoy. Samartin really knows how to tell a heartwarming story that will stick with you even after you finish the book.
Profile Image for Milena Tseneva.
215 reviews42 followers
August 12, 2016
Сесилия Самартин е написала гурме роман, в основата на който стои драматичната история за десетгодишния Себастиан. „Мофонго“ е приятен роман с леко мистични елементи, който би допаднал на много дами, ала аз не можах да му дам повече от две звездички. Хубава история, но не моята.

Все пак ще изредя положителните страни на книгата, които ме спечелиха. Истината е, че като психоложка, завършила брачна и семейна терапия, Самартин доста добре вплита някои важни социални теми в сюжета, като например: как обществото приема различните; как живее едно десетгодишно момче, знаейки, че не е като другите; как един потенциален развод се отразява на децата в семейството; до какво води агресията вкъщи и как се отразява на малчуганите; какво се случва, когато майката и бащата имат различно мнение за съдбата на своето потомство; възможно ли е човек да превъзмогне загубата на любимия, или се научава да живее с нея?

Най-силната нишка в романа, която особено много ми хареса, е представата за щастието – голямо и сплотено семейство, което е превъзмогнало миналото, седнало на огромна маса, отрупана с вкусна, домашно приготвена храна, смеейки се и „гледайки се един друг с нови очи“…

Приятно допълнение към финала са пълните рецепти за споменатите в романа ястия, от които аз лично смятам в най-скоро време да пробвам бизкочо де рон (торта с ром). Все пак току що прочетох гурме роман! :)

Цялото ревю - тук: http://azcheta.com/mofongo-sesiliq-sa...
Profile Image for Sue.
88 reviews1 follower
March 25, 2012
LOVED it! This book is written in the tradition of Isabel Allende--beautifully-drawn characters, soulful, with touches of intuition and magic. Sebastian is a young boy with a heart condition, which prevents him from living his dream to become a great runner and soccer player. His only refuge from the school bullies, his physical limitations, and his overprotective mother is with his Abuela Lola. Together, they share family history and life lessons, juxtaposed with cooking the sumptuous dishes from Abuela's native Puerto Rico. I won't include spoilers, but the interweaving of complex family issues, beautiful examples of healing and forgiveness, descriptions of a family's rich heritage, and the inclusion of recipes at the end of the novel combine to make a thoroughly satisfying read. I enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed Ms. Samartin's amazing book about a Cuban family, Broken Paradise, which is great praise!
Profile Image for Carola.
250 reviews13 followers
October 19, 2012
De 10-jarige Californische Sebastian heeft een hartkwaal waardoor hij heel klein is, zich niet mag inspannen, niet kan spelen of voetballen (wat hij zo graag wil) en veel gepest wordt. Ook in zijn familie lopen de dingen niet goed. Gelukkig heeft hij zijn oma, een lieve, zachtaardige Puerto Ricaanse bij wie hij iedere dag na schooltijd op bezoek gaat. Vroeger was zijn oma een opperbeste kok, maar sinds een keukenbrandje mag ze van haar familie geen fornuis meer aanraken en moet ze genoegen nemen met de flauwe maaltijden uit het seniorencentrum. Na een ziekte verandert zijn oma echter, ze verft haar haren knalrood, trekt zich van niemand meer iets aan en begint weer te koken, de ene lekkere maaltijd na de andere. Sebastian wordt haar keukenhulpje en samen gaan ze zo hun problemen te lijf, weten de familie weer te verenigingen en voor te bereiden op het onvermijdelijke.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews

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