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Италианско изкушение

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Чувствена като богато италианско вино, книгата завладява със своите тайни и кулинарни изкушения.

Италия, 1964 г. Мария Доменика е най-голямата дъщеря на Пепина и Ерминио Кароца, фермери от малкото южно градче Сан Джулио. На 16 години нейният живот е ограничен от стените на майчината кухня и гостоприемството на кафене „Анджели” - място, заредено с приятелство, силно еспресо и прочутите ricotta sfolgliatelle. Родителите на Мария таят големи надежди за своята красива първородна дъщеря, но тя има други планове...

Лондон, 2000 г. Киара е известна авторка на кулинарни книги и единствена дъщеря на Мария Доменика. В търсене на баща си, когото така и не познава, младата жена пристига в Сан Джулио. Там, между стените на бабината кухня и гостоприемството на кафе „Анджели”, младата жена открива тайните на вкусните италиански специалитети и семейството, за което винаги е мечтала.

„Италианско изкушение” е завладяваща сага, написана с цялата свежест и топлота на готварските рецепти, предлагани от семейство Кароца. История за вечната любов между Италия и Англия, за италианки от три различни поколения и за една стара кухня в Сан Джулио, която е живата връзка между тях.

„Ако обичате „Шоколад” и „Под небето на Тоскана”, няма начин да не се влюбите в книгата!” – коментар в Амазон

„Три поколения италианки разкриват тайните на изпепеляващата любов и божествената храна в този чувствен роман от ненадминатата Ники Пелегрино!” – Prima

„Попиваш ароматите и сякаш вкусваш изкушенията в кухнята на семейство Кароца. Ако търсиш бягство от градския шум, няма как да сбъркаш с „Delicious”. – Romance Reader

„Забавно, завладяващо, вдъхновяващо! Роман, който можете да почувствате с всяка клетка на тялото си.” - Australian Woman’s Weekly

„Италианско изкушение” от Ники Пелегрино излиза с брой 32 на „Журнал за жената” на 08.08. Книгата е последен трети роман от специалната лятна селекция за читателките на Журнал – „Колекция ЛЯТО”

256 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2005

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About the author

Nicky Pellegrino

21 books571 followers
I was born and grew up near Liverpool, England. For a while I worked as a magazine journalist in London but then 21 years ago I came on holiday to New Zealand and met my future husband Carne Bidwill at a wedding. Now we live together near a beach in Auckland with our dogs Charlie the standard poodle and Lucy the pointer. I spend my time writing novels, working as a freelance journalist, riding my two horses, growing veges in my garden, cooking, trying to get other people to cook for me, eating and reading. There isn't much time for anything else except a little light housework.
My all-time favourite book is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and my book of 2013 was LIfe After LIfe by Kate Atkinson.
I have a website www.nickypellegrino.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews
Profile Image for Maria Lavrador.
441 reviews33 followers
November 15, 2013
Um romance fofinho que se divide essencialmente em 2 partes: uma com a protagonista e outra com a filha dela. Confesso que gostei mais da primeira parte, a história era mais engraçada. O final também foi um pouco abrupto, parecia uma novela, em que enrola um bocado e de repente tudo acontece e o final precipita-se sem se perceber bem o porquê de tanta rapidez... :) Mas gostei da história e quero sem duvida ler mais coisas desta escritora
Profile Image for Sara.
367 reviews14 followers
September 10, 2018
Já li este livro há alguns anos, mas gostei bastante!
Profile Image for Ренета Кирова.
1,134 reviews32 followers
February 25, 2020
3,5*Историята за Мария е драматична. Тя търси начин да се измъкне от закостенелите порядки в родното си село. Иска да е щастлива и успява да го постигне като заминава за Англия. След години дъщеря й се завръща в Италия при роднините си. Киара обаче ми беше по-неприятен образ. Мекушава, лесно се поддава на мъжкия чар. Тя е и известна кулинарка и сестрата на майка й и нейният син се възползват от нея, за да печелят пари на неин гръб. От храната, описана в книгата, ми се прииска да сготвя нещо вкусно. Като цяло интересна, с щастлив край.
Profile Image for Katherine.
115 reviews4 followers
May 17, 2022
I quite enjoyed this one! It wasn't as predictable as I'd expected. It rushed through some parts of the story I would have liked more of and had a lot of detail about some other bits. I wonder how much was edited out?
Profile Image for Andrea Howarth-Salazar.
Author 1 book12 followers
October 28, 2009
I liked the warmth of this book - the close portrayal of Italian family life, the description of food and drink becoming metaphoric. However, it was a little slow-moving at times.
Profile Image for Nicki.
1,372 reviews
December 16, 2011
I really liked this book but I preferred the parts set in Italy more than the English ones, probably because its more exotic. The story and characters are wonderful and very believable.
Profile Image for Sonia189.
1,023 reviews30 followers
June 23, 2021
Este livro já foi publicado há anos mas uma amiga agora emprestou-me e realmente foi uma leitura simples e sem grandes twists.
Acho que a autora não aproveitou bem a história e, na minha opinião, o principal defeito é a maneira como o enredo se desenrola; não creio que o foco primeiro na mãe e depois na filha tenha sido a melhor opção. Assim, pareceu que nem uma parte da história nem outra tiveram a atenção devida e fiquei com a impressão que a autora quis usar todos os elementos de que se lembrou, pelo que o resultado final ficou um pouco ligeiro demais.
Profile Image for Mª João Monteiro.
814 reviews59 followers
July 30, 2019
Releitura. Desta vez, chamou-me mais a a tenção a fragmentação da história: não conseguimos seguir totalmente cada uma das personagens, ou porque há prolepses ou porque a história acaba ali... De qualquer forma, vale pela descrição das comidas e ambientes.
December 22, 2023
Uma história agradável mas que em nada surpreende, foi um bom livro para me relembrar dos momentos felizes que passei em Itália. Uma história de amor que apesar de não ser perfeita encontrou a felicidade.
Profile Image for Shelley.
46 reviews13 followers
April 18, 2020
Perfect escapism for a wet, lockdown weekend. Transported to other times, in a beautifully told, story.
Profile Image for Emma R.
156 reviews6 followers
January 26, 2023
Heart-warming and enjoyable, if predictable. A quick, sentimental read for a bit of escapism.
Profile Image for Diliyana.
40 reviews
March 3, 2022
Maria Dominica is a young girl, born and raised in a small town in rural Italy in the 60s. At 13 she had to quit school so she can help her mother in the kitchen and in raising her younger siblings. Now, at 17 she is soon to be married to Marco and expected to have a bunch of babies and honestly repeat the life her mother and the rest of the women at that time had. The problem is she does not want to do it so after Marco makes his escape she excitedly realizes she can do the same. She can go to Rome, find a job, and live freely. Travel to all the places she wanted to visit and be happy.
Sadly, only a year later she comes back, broken-hearted and pregnant. Traditions were an important thing back then that's why the only thing Maria Dominica could do as to not bring more shame to the family is get married quickly and live the life she never wanted.

After some more dramatic events, however, she makes her escape again but this time to England where she creates a better life for herself and her daughter.

Fast forward the said daughter now all grown up wants to find her roots so she goes back to Italy and thus the story goes full circle.

I would like to say that I bought this book without knowing anything about the story in it. I simply saw the name of the author and knowing how talented she is and how great her books are I immediately took it.

And the book was great, the writing just as immaculate and alluring as in her other books and I couldn't help and finish it quickly.
However, had I known what the story is I probably wouldn't have been as eager to read it. The books I've read of this author were always full of light, love, and summer vibes in Italy and that is what I thought this book was gonna be about but it's not.

There is a lot of sadness and realism that were beautifully woven into the story just not what I expected knowing her other books. I expected to feel happy and excited to visit Italy myself and instead I found myself angry and crying because of the characters so I think you should have this in mind if you ever pick up this book.

As a relatively young reader, I have to say I did not have the same opinion as some of the characters in this book. I was raised to believe that happiness is all that mattered whereas traditions and family pride were predominant here, which is not surprising given that half of the book was set during the 60s and 70s.
I was at first angry at Maria Dominica when she married Marco and let herself be punished and raped just because her family thought this was for the best but then I realized she really did have no other choice. Had she not done that she would have had to give up her baby as in that time no one would have helped a single mother which makes me that much happier times have changed.

I really liked the character of Maria Dominica, she was strong and resilient and despite all obstacles (I found the part where her mother send her back to her abusing husband so heartbreaking) made the best life for herself and I couldn't be anything but sad when I read the part where she passed away. I understand why her death was necessary for the story but I just feel it wasn't fair, she deserved so much happiness and in the end, she got a mediocre life (I think she cared for Alex but did she love him? I think not. She was with him not because she loved him like that but out of stability and comfort which is another thing I understood but couldn't accept as a person raised with different values ) and brutal death. It was truly unfair and yet it's exactly what happens in life sometimes, no?

As for Chiara I liked her part too, it was more modern so I had an easier time understanding her thoughts and feeling. I liked we got to see all the characters and how their life moved on after Maria Dominica but I will say I wish Chiara's part was longer as everything just felt rushed. Especially her love story with Giovani that was like only the last two pages.
I hated the part with Paolo, the incest was weird and the fact he tried to scam her was just... But in the end, karma was real so I liked that although was it up to me I would have wanted him and his mother and father to suffer even more.

Overall I give this book five stars as it was amazing, it was not the fun read I expected but it was a must-read as it gave me a different perspective of life and I do recommend it. Just get some tissues before you dive in :D
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
90 reviews
September 30, 2015
Easy read. Story is a lot better than "The Villa Girls", but what disappointed me was the heartless character of Pepina. I cannot understand how a so-called caring mother sends her daughter and baby back to the husband who's beating her up. Pepina states that she cannot disobey Erminio by taking Maria Domenica into her house but she did hear about the beating previously and she did not even bother to go to the house of Maria Domenica to check if she could help her wounded child.
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Profile Image for Ginetta.
151 reviews7 followers
July 16, 2016
I have a soft spot for Nicky Pellegrino's books, having Italian heritage I can relate to the "drama" that is a part of being Italian: the passion, the family traditions, the focus on food, the importance of family integrity & pressure to conform to what is "expected". Her stories do have soap opera melodramatic feel about them, always a bit of conflict within families, secrets, betrayal, pride. This is a perfect holiday read where you don't have to think too deeply.
Profile Image for Dimana Valentinova.
575 reviews8 followers
January 6, 2019
Прекрасна семейна история, свързваща Англия и Италия и същевременно противопоставяща двете култури. Конкретната връзка между 3 поколения италианки се оказва една типична италианска кухня в Кампания- дъхав селски хляб, камари от прясно приготвена паста, топящи се в устата сладкиши. Страст, слънце и любов
Profile Image for Paula Ferreira.
61 reviews
September 18, 2011
Tinha lido 1º A filha do Pescador e n achei nada de especial, mas este cativou-me. Mal comecei a ler só parei na pag 170 ;)
Tenho os outros da mesma autora p ler e n vou hesitar em pegar neles :)
January 7, 2019
Perhaps a little dated as the ‘present day’ was 2000 so before internet and Facebook etc but still a lovely story and the authors passion for Italy shone through. I enjoyed Maria Domenica and Chiara’s stories.
Profile Image for Judith Burns.
1 review
June 7, 2020
Did no one else find the whole Chaira and Paolo storyline really weird!? Like it’s no big deal to have a romance with your first cousin who is also potentially your brother! I found it a very odd storyline.
Profile Image for Desiree.
480 reviews4 followers
May 3, 2013
This is a real feelgood novel about Italy and food. Or how an Italian mother becomes all British and her (half) British daughter becomes a real Italian.
Profile Image for Pattie.
172 reviews6 followers
January 3, 2018
Oh how I love reading Nicky’s book! She always makes a great combination of the characters, the plot(s), Italy and omg the food! Lol thanks, Nicky xx
Profile Image for Amanda Bailey.
79 reviews
January 2, 2019
Loved it

Nicky Pelligrino is again a great story teller & just ticks all the boxes. She delves into those places,that you just can not curl up with a boo and finsihes,
Profile Image for Vassiliadi.
485 reviews12 followers
August 8, 2021
Το βιβλίο κυκλοφορησε στα ελληνικα με τιτλο Η Γευση της Ζωής (εκδ. Bell ,2005) και χωρίζεται σε δύο μέρη. Στο πρώτο περιγράφεται η ζωή της Μαρία -Ντομενικα απο το 1960 μέχρι το 1968 κ το δεύτερο ξεκινάει από το 2000 περιγράφοντας τη ζωή της κόρης της Κιαρα από τα 30 κάτι της κ μετά.
Η Nicky Pellegrino για μένα είναι η ιταλιδα mayve binchy,γιατί γράφει τόσο οικεία κ γνώριμα, που νομίζω ότι χουχουλιαζω με μια ζεστή κουβέρτα. Στην ιταλική ύπαιθρο εξελίσσεται ένα μεγάλο μέρος της υπόθεσης. Το διαπερνανε οι μυρωδιές της ιταλικής κουζίνας, Ενώ ορισμένες στιγμές έχεις την αίσθηση πως μαγειρεύεις μαζί τους.
Η Κιάρα λοιπόν θα επιστρέψει στη γενέτειρα της μητέρας της με σκοπό να πάρει απαντήσεις σε ερωτήματα του παρελθόντος. Μυστικά αναδύονται κ επανεμφανιζονται πρόσωπα Από το Πρώτο Μέρος του Βιβλίου.
Οι τελευταίες 30 σελίδες είναι συναρπαστικές και καθοριστικές. Το τέλος επιβραβευει την αβίαστη ευτυχία κ τους ήρεμους έρωτες, Όπως ακριβώς κ η binchy. Σε καμία περίπτωση δε θα σας απογοητεύσει. Αν πέσει στα χέρια σας, μη χάσετε την ευκαιρία να το διαβάσετε.
196 reviews4 followers
July 2, 2020
3,5. Libro muy entretenido. Narra las dificultades de María Domenica (la mayor de 5 hermanas y el anhelado varón) en la Sicilia del siglo pasado por buscar algo más que el destino que le aguarda: casarse y convertirse en buena ama de casa y madre. Se cría entre fogones, arma un plan de fuga a Roma...
Y para no hacer spoiler, el último tercio de la novela está protagonizado por Chiara, que se ha educado en Inglaterra ajena a sus orígenes italianos y cómo debe emprender el viaje inverso al de su madre para encontrar su origen e identidad real.
Profile Image for Filomena Mourinho.
Author 1 book4 followers
June 12, 2018
This was the first time I've read a book written by Nicky Pellegrino. The story is quite simple. Girl lives in a small village in Italy and has a strict family. The ways that she finds to be able to strive in her environment take her to Rome and later to England. Its a story about love, about family, about knowing our origins and being able to heal the past. It's a wonderful story, written beautifully, that kept me up for hours last night because I couldn't keep it down.
Profile Image for Carmen.
763 reviews68 followers
April 25, 2020
Es una historia donde se nos cuenta la vida de una mujer, contada de manera sencilla, sin llegar a aburrir, ni abrumar, a pesar de que algunos temas que toca son duros. Nos acerca una realidad en un pueblo de Nápoles en los años 60, en una familia y para una mujer, algo que no era fácil.

Opinión completa
Profile Image for Francisca den Otter.
480 reviews11 followers
July 26, 2022
Het verhaal had een lief en kabbelend verloop, je volgde eerst Maria Domenica in Italië en later in Engeland in de jaren zestig. Daarna was de hoofdpersoon haar dochter Chiara in 2000. Chiara probeert meer van haar moeders verleden te weten te komen en dat lukt haar. De hoofdstukken met Chiara hadden eenzelfde lief kabbelend verloop op het laatste hoofdstuk na, dit ging ineens erg snel en abrupt.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
167 reviews
August 23, 2023
Um romance fofinho sobre uma italiana que tem um envolvimento com um Inglês em Roma. Deste envolvimento nasce a filha Chiara, e Maria Domenica volta a sua terra natal onde começa a criar a filha com o marido Marco. Após Marco se revelar um mau marido esta foge para Inglaterra, casa com Alex e este cria Chiara como filha. Um dia mais tarde Chiara vai em busca do seu passado após a morte da mãe, na ânsia de reconhecer as suas origens Italianas.
Profile Image for Mayra.
15 reviews1 follower
February 9, 2023
Het boek begon goed met het potentieel van een mooi verhaal. Pellegrino schrijft ook heel beeldend, de locaties en recepten zie je zo voor je. Maar het vervalt snel in (seksistische) clichés en voorspelbare wendingen. Het toppunt was het 'dilemma' van chiara, kon ze wel kiezen voor een relatie met Paolo die misschien haar broer maar sowieso haar neef is? Just whut?!
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews

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