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Bride Quartet #3

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Лоръл, Ема, Мак и Паркър от малки мечтаят за идеалната сватба. Години по-късно четирите създават преуспяващата сватбена агенция „Обети“, която превръща мечтите им в реалност. Всяка от тях има своя дял в организацията на грандиозното събитие, което бележи началото на съвместния път на двама влюбени.
Лоръл е практична, не особено претенциозна и здраво стъпила на земята. Тя е отговорна за приготвянето на изкусителни сладки вълшебства, а нетрадиционните сватбени торти са нейна запазена марка. Работата й носи усещане за удовлетворение, уют и пълноценен живот.
Колкото до любовта – Лоръл вярва в нея, поне на теория. Тя дори знае как точно изглежда идеалният мъж – красив, умен, щедър, покровителствен и за съжаление, далеч над нейното ниво. Лоръл е влюбена в по-големия брат на Паркър – Дилейни Браун, адвокат и възпитаник на престижен университет от Бръшляновата лига. Тя е убедена, че Дел я възприема като по-малка сестра и че дори и не подозира за чувствата й. Когато обаче двамата се отдават на гореща, страстна целувка, на Лоръл й се налага да отхвърли съмненията, за да се наслади на красивия миг и да даде шанс на връзката им.

368 pages, Paperback

First published April 27, 2010

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About the author

Nora Roberts

1,771 books53.6k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,400 followers
April 27, 2018
Let's face it, Addie's intervention didn't work and there is no stopping me now from finishing this crappy series. I need to hit rock-bottom before I will admit that I truly have a problem. Besides, it can still get better, right? There's still one more book after this one. You never know. There's hope. I can have hope and not be a raging bad-series-finishing-aholic!

Ooo, this place looks fun! Let's go!

Plus, this book wasn't quite as bad as the first two. The female was good. I liked her. Plus, she makes cakes and desserts - I like cakes and desserts.

Birthdays and interventions. I've had too many of both to count. That has nothing to do with me being drunk, either, so shut up!

So, like I said, Laurel, our girl is the cake maker for the wedding business that this series is about. She has been in love with her best friend's brother since they were kids, but he sees her as a little sister. She decides to show him that she isn't sisterly at all by kissing him and then he comes back to her with a well thought out plan for them to start dating. They did, and that was that.

There was about as much heat between these two as there is between two lizards.
you know, cuz they're cold blooded?

Anyway, there is something else going on in this series that I NEED to ask any of my east coast friends about:

Do y'all actually use the phrase, "Oh boy" when you are excited about something? I've never heard anyone use it in my life, but Nora Roberts always has her characters say it. So does Janet Evanovich. Is this a regional thing or an old person thing? Because, when I read it, I am thinking that only a really old person would say that.

Yeah, that old.

So, let me know if you happen to have read my review, made it this far down without dying of boredom, and actually give a crap about satisfying the curiosity of some crackpot in Texas. Thanks!

Anyway, it only sucked a bit. The next one is SURE to be better. Right?

Profile Image for Chantal.
658 reviews627 followers
August 15, 2022
- my favourite series from Nora
- romance overload
- wedding business by 4 friends
- Laur and Dell ❤️
Profile Image for Alp.
761 reviews442 followers
November 7, 2017
Fell far below my expectations.

I really had high hopes for this book given that the previous two installments of this series amazingly hit the mark for me. But sadly, as far as I can tell, there was not much of a romantic spark between Delaney and Laurel here. And frankly, if there had been any chemistry between them, it would have felt totally forced.

Nope. I wasn’t pleased.

The romance aspect fell flat in my opinion and the dialogue between Delaney and Laurel was slightly lackluster. However, I absolutely enjoyed an unconditional love and true friendship between these four ladies. Besides, the two couples from book 1 and 2 were so lovely that I couldn’t stop smiling and I was very happy to see them together again.

The most disappointing part about this book was ‘Laurel’, and this fact came as a shock to me. Since I started reading this series, I saw no sign that she could be such an unpleasant character to read about. But when I finally got to her own story, I found that she managed to annoy and bore me in equal measure. I don’t like this kind of heroine at all. For me, she came across more like a bitter, sullen, and difficult woman. I don’t know. Something about her rubbed me the wrong way most of the time and I have to say that I didn’t enjoy her character throughout the entire story.

Delaney was an ok hero but there was nothing particularly remarkable about him. Of course, he was nice but the fact that he couldn’t make me swoon over him says quite a lot about his character. It might be because he was somehow overshadowed by the other characters. I just wish there were more depth to his character.

I felt like the ending was a bit rushed and unsatisfying. It could have been better though.

This wasn’t a winner for me. To tell you the truth, reading this one felt more like a chore than a pleasure to get through.

By the way, I’ll definitely read the last book in this Bride Quartet series. Hopefully, it won’t disappoint me like this one did!
Profile Image for Dina.
1,324 reviews1,295 followers
September 19, 2022
3 1/2 stars

Once again, NR proves how good she is when it comes to write friendship. Unfortunately, that got in the way of the romance and I didn't connect with Del and Laurel's love story. Del was a nice guy, but too smooth and perfect to raise my temperature. Laurel was a bit harsher than him, but her bouts of temper felt forced to me because they were irrational and came out of nowhere. Okay, that is known to happen in Romancelandia, but that behavior is usually associated with a character who's also irrational - and that wasn't Laurel's case.

So, all in all, this was a slightly better than average read to me, mostly because I enjoyed watching the friends' dynamics. Del and Laurel's romance was kind of meh. I was happy with their HEA, but I wouldn't be devastated if they had decided to stay just friends.

Now I have a long wait until Happy Ever After, the last book in the series. I really hope it's worth the wait and the series ends with a bang. :)
Profile Image for Mara.
1,798 reviews4,124 followers
January 3, 2023
About 50 pages too long, but otherwise, another good friends to lovers story. I was on the fence about Del and Laurel, but this sold me on them as a par. Let's see what happens with Parker and Malcolm...
Profile Image for Erin.
3,255 reviews476 followers
July 26, 2022
3.5 stars rounded up to 4
I can never resist a Nora Roberts trilogy or in this case... a quartet. The back story of this series is that four childhood friends have created a wedding event business- VOWS. You have Parker, the brains behind the business, Mackensie, the photographer, Emma, the florist, and Laurel, the pastry and cake creator. Each novel in the series features the "love story" of each of the four women.

Savor the Moment was perhaps the novel in the series I was anticipating because I felt I didn't know a lot about cake decorator, Laurel but I was excited that her male lead was Del, the older brother of Parker. I loved their romance and I just kept turning the pages. It was absolutely fantastic.

Goodreads review published 25/07/22
Profile Image for Mojca.
2,133 reviews162 followers
March 24, 2011
And yet another Nora Roberts winner in this amazing series. And this time, though it still revolved around the friendship between Mac, Emma, Laurel and Parker, the story was mostly about the romance between life-long friends. Yes, you’d think it was pretty much the same as in Bed of Roses, between Emma and Jack, but the thing is, Laurel and Del, Parker’s older brother have known (and been friends) each other for her entire life. So the switch held much more danger and possible obstacles. For them both, but mostly inside their little “tribe”.
So the same fears and worries as with Emma and Jack were there, but much more augmented, because of that long(er) friendship.

But it was beautifully done, if you ask me, much better than in Bed of Roses, especially since the hero (Del) had no obvious and well-known commitment issues Jack had. He was much more laid back and relaxed when it came to his “thing” with Laurel and he had no compunction in stating his love for her, since everybody knew he loved her. Pity, that, since the words held no “special meaning” being said so many times before, no wonder she was skeptical and a little skittish.
And that is the biggest problem I had with Laurel. It didn’t overly bother me, since I understood her reservations, but still, sometimes she came off as a bit too impulsive in her judgment. And too stubborn to listen...or talk about what bothered her. But, her love for Del was there, and I forgave her. ;)

Now, onto the less-friendship-more-romance thingy. Well, it’s true. Sure, the girls were still tight as ever, they talked, they laughed, they cried, they ribbed each other, but there was that much appreciated lack of “friendly intervention” at the end, that was present in both previous novels, and an especial “burden” in Bed of Roses. First, it was because Laurel was more reserved by nature, preferring to solve her problems on her own and second, there was no big rift between her and Del to demand an intervention in the first place. Sure, she made a mess with her stubbornness and refusal to listen, but it was quickly resolved.
And who resolved it? Del, of course. Who’s become my favorite hero in this series a few pages into this story. Who wouldn’t want a guy like Del? Who wouldn’t love a guy like Del? He was (over)protective, self-assured, caring, loving, tender, funny, sexy (my mouth watered reading the pond scene), and romantic (the awwwwww-factor in the ending was all him).
I love my girls (the Quartet) and I love Carter and Jack, but Del is by far my favorite.

I’m sure he’ll fall into second place today, as I start reading Happy Ever After, because there’s just something about Malcolm Kavanaugh that “inspires” me. I cannot wait to read about him and Parker. If the sparkage these two produced in Savor the Moment is any indication, the fireworks will go through the roof when it’s their turn. Can’t wait! *happy squeal*

Well, this series is shaping to be my favorite (short) series I’ve read in my life. Romantic, funny, sexy, sensual, light-weight, emotion-engaging...A truly awesome read.
Profile Image for Carrie.
1,835 reviews80 followers
May 26, 2010
2.5* This book is difficult to rate because I both liked it and didn't. It was an okay story overall, and I liked the characters, although I did get tired of Laurel at times. Mostly, though, I got stuck on the "snappy dialog" that made everyone sound like characters out of a TV sit com or Rom Com movie. Not only did everyone in the book respond with one or two word phrases, but everyone sounded identical. Even the older Mrs. Grady spoke mainly in predicates. Some of the dialog was funny and clever, but it all sounded completely scripted, like the actors on a Disney channel tween show. So no matter how cute the story was, I was always completely distracted by dialog and the fact that no one talks that way in real life. (I know we don't talk in complete sentences all the time, but take a look at the book. Everyone answers in weird sentence fragments.) And, after 3 books, I'm over the "heart-warming groups of loyal best girlfriends." I started to feel a little gaggy at times. Everyone is so perfect and makes all these perfectly wonderful decisions.

I also got tired of the repeated descriptions of the characters workouts. I can maybe see describing the cakes, or flowers, but Parker's exercise routine? (and Laurel's, and Mac's, and Mal's, for goodness sakes!)
Profile Image for Celeste.
1,011 reviews2,441 followers
November 1, 2017
This is probably my least favorite installment into this series and my least favorite couple, and I still really enjoy both the book and the couple. Doesn’t that speak volumes of my love for the series?

Laurel is an amazing pastry chef. The wedding cakes she designs for her clients are beautiful enough to make angels weep, and are always lovingly personalized to each couple. Parker has been her best friend for as long as she can remember, and she’s been in love with Parker’s older brother for almost as long. Delaney has always viewed Laurel as another sister; or at least, he did, until she completely destroyed that viewpoint by kissing the sisterly affection right out of him. The relationship they build from the ashes of that familial fondness is sweet and funny.

Laurel is incredibly sarcastic, and not the most optimistic of women. Her surliness is at odds with her sunny blonde hair and cornflower blue eyes. She’s super entertaining, but I just don’t connect quite as much with her as I do with the other three women that form the Quartet. Same goes for Del. He’s a slick lawyer with a propensity for micromanaging the lives of those he loves, which drives Laurel insane. But he’s also incredibly kind and chivalrous, so it’s hard to hold that against him. But again, I just don’t connect as much to him as I do to the other three men who fall in love with various members of the Quartet.

All of that being said, I still devoured this book (cake pun intended). When the weakest volume of a series is still 4 stars, you know it’s a favorite.
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,825 reviews738 followers
December 12, 2020
Okay, this one was so good.

I love love loved how prickly Laurel is. She’s all crunchy exterior and even though she doesn’t have a gooey marshmallow center, she’s all heart. Del is filled with good intentions, protection, and logic. Together, they’re amazing friends with chemistry galore.

Plot wise, it was good. This is another one that’s nearly all fluff. I loved the slow build up of their relationship and the push and pull between them. It seems so casual and comfortable and I loved every bit. The conflict is at the very end and lasts a couple of pages. I would be bitchy about where it ended if I didn’t know there was going to be more of them in the next book.

Overall, this has just been a delight and exactly what I wanted to read. I’m intrigued to see about Parker’s book.
Profile Image for Beatriz.
889 reviews812 followers
March 21, 2022
Tercera entrega de la serie Bride Quartet de la autora. Me gustó más que la segunda, pero no tanto como la primera. Tiene momentos muy bien logrados y un final muy lindo que también deja lanzado el anzuelo al que será el último libro de la serie. Le destaco el nivel descomplicado a la relación y el equilibrio que se genera en la pareja protagonista, que sin grandes aspavientos y conflictos logra consolidarse. Una lectura fresca para pasar el rato.
Profile Image for Lexy.
1,070 reviews23 followers
October 27, 2016
This book was neat I can't wait to listen to the last book
Profile Image for Marta Luján.
Author 22 books194 followers
December 16, 2019
Una historia bonita y entretenida, que te atrapa quizás por el hecho de que forma parte de una serie, y habiendo conocido en entregas anteriores a los protagonistas, estás deseando saber qué ocurre con ellos.

Para la ambientación, seguimos moviéndonos en el mundo de la organización de bodas, en Votos, aunque en esta ocasión todo gira en torno a los postres y los deliciosos pasteles que elabora Laurel. Por una vez saldremos también de la casa para trasladarnos a la casa de la playa que adquieren Del y Parker, y donde todos pasan vacaciones. Conoceremos un poco más de la vida de Laurel y de su relación de amistad con Parker.

La trama, sinceramente, me ha parecido un poco copia de la de Jack y Emma. Del y Laurel son amigos desde siempre, pero de repente empiezan a mirarse con otros ojos, y comienzan a salir juntos. En este caso, el bloqueo en la relación lo causa ella (en la anterior fue Jack) a causa de sus prejuicios y sus miedos, aunque el esquema es básicamente el mismo.

Los protagonistas son Del, hermano de Parker y abogado de la empresa, y Laurel, la repostera. Del me parece un encanto de hombre, generoso, responsable, serio y divertido al mismo tiempo, atractivo... A pesar de todo, siento que pierde un poco como protagonista, pues como personaje secundario parecía tener más presencia, más fuerza. En esta historia, más de la mitad de las escenas se les van en sexo, y solo casi hacia el final, nos vamos enterando de sus sentimientos y emociones más profundas, aunque tampoco me quedó muy claro qué fue lo que hizo que se enamorara de Laurel.

Laurel es una luchadora, una mujer decidida y un tanto borde. Me encanta ese punto ácido que pone en las reuniones de las cuatro amigas. Al igual que Emma con Jack, siempre ha estado enamorada de Del, pero se resigna a llevar adelante su vida sin él. Me resulta curioso que ha luchado por todo lo que quería en la vida, y, sin embargo, no es capaz de luchar por el amor, sino que se conforma con lo que Del quiera darle.

Me parece que siendo los dos personajes más fuertes (exceptuando a Parker) entre todos los que aparecen, en su propia historia han quedado un poco desvaídos. Sin embargo, se disfruta de la historia, de las anécdotas de las bodas y de los encuentros de ese grupo entrañable de amigos.
Profile Image for kari.
851 reviews
April 30, 2010
I love the way Nora Roberts crafts her characters. You're sure to fall in love with them while they fall in love with each other.
This third installment of The Bride Quartet doesn't disappoint in any way. Del and Laurel verbally spar with each other and the dialogue snaps as you'll laugh at their witty comebacks at one another.
While Mac and Carter continue to be my favorite couple of this series, this comes a very close second.
Laurel is one tough cookie, to use a baking analogy, and she has loved Del all her life, finally she decides to do something about it. In comic retaliation, Del steals her shoes(you'll have to read it to understand all of this).
The love story is wonderful, but what makes this series so enjoyable is the four friends and the relationship they all have and the friendships between the men in their lives as they get to know one another. The scenes where the four women are together, discussing everything from weddings, their own as well as others, to their love lives, troublesome parents, etc are often laugh out loud funny.
One last thing, I love all the initial-speak that the girls do together and in this book, you'll learn a new one: HJS.
Oh, and even though we aren't yet to his story, I'm already a teeny bit in lurve with Mal. Can't wait for the final book.
Profile Image for Clare.
769 reviews14 followers
February 11, 2011
Laurel's cakes may have been beautiful, but they just didn't sound delicious. Some writers have that ability to make you drool over the printed word. Oh, I'm sure the wedding cakes were delicious, but Nora Roberts' talent is not in describing food. Too bad. I would have loved a romance novel that also described cake.


Just the word makes me happy. Birthday cake! Wedding cake! Happy day cake! Cakes are celebratory but Laurel seemed like a cranky bitch. (Maybe it was from her celibacy vow?)

Unfortunately, this middle book (part of a quartet instead of her usual trilogy) serves just as a placeholder. The first and last books are always better. So Mackenzie's story was awesome, Emma's romantic dilemma seemed weak, and Laurel's relationship with Del seems sex-based primarily, since they have known each other for years.

I do think the stranger-romance, rather than the childhood-friend romance, is sexier, since their exploration of personality and dynamics causes more ups and downs in the relationship. That's why I'm looking forward to Parker and Mal's relationship.

Once again, I think Nora Roberts is getting too old to effectively write about female friendship. She thinks that they all talk about hot jungle sex (and refer to it as HJS - puh-leeze) and call each other bitches.

It was an okay story, but you really aren't missing anything if you skip this one.
Profile Image for Samantha.
987 reviews2 followers
September 11, 2010
This was not a good read for several reasons:

1. Laurel was very childish and cranky. She was snapping at Del throughout the whole book and it turned me off from her.

2. There was too much time where Laurel was telling her emotions to the girls and not to Del.

3. Now that I really think about this series, these women remind me of a sorority. I just can't understand how they are together every day all day. It was too much for me. I must be very moody right now but I couldn't deal with them.

4. Do they ever stop working or exercising. Speaking of exercising, I was sick of that and drinking tea. Tea is not the equivalent to a meal. I wondered whether they were heavy set children and that is why they feel the need to exercise all day. Really, the author need to stop harping on those details and get back to the romance.

5. There was no conflict except Laurel's attitude. She turned into my least favorite character.

6. Del needed a nicer woman. She fought him at every turn. He wanted to explore where the kiss could go and she was snapping at him. I found this contradictory to her stating that she had a crush on him since forever. If my childhood crush stated he wanted to start dating me, I would be all over him.

7. Not enough of Parker and Mal (hey, at least they entertained me and they had more of a connection than Del and Laurel).
Profile Image for Χρύσα Βασιλείου.
Author 6 books161 followers
March 13, 2020
Πρώτα απ' όλα, η μόνιμή μου σκέψη για το επάγγελμα της Λόρελ -βάσει των τριών βιβλίων που έχω διαβάσει μέχρι τώρα- συνοψίζεται στο παρακάτω gifάκι:

Στο τρίτο βιβλίο της σειράς Όρκοι αγάπης της Nora Roberts, με τίτλο «Η δοκιμασία της καρδιάς», είναι η σειρά της Λόρελ και του Ντελ να βρουν τον έρωτα.

Οι μεγαλύτερες αγάπες στη ζωή της Λόρελ είναι η ζαχαροπλαστική, οι φίλες της και η επιχείρηση διοργάνωσης γάμων των τεσσάρων τους, οι «Όρκοι». Αυτή είναι επιφορτισμένη με το καθήκον να κάνει ακόμα πιο γλυκιά την πιο ξεχωριστή μέρα στη ζωή ενός ζευγαριού, αυτή του γάμου τους, με τις εκπληκτικά γευστικές της δημιουργίες. Η κουζίνα είναι το βασίλειό της, το κτήμα όπου ζει και εργάζεται ο κόσμος της και η χαρά των δύο δεσμευμένων φίλων της και δική της. Δεν μοιάζει να λείπει τίποτα από τη ζωή της. Είναι όμως τα πράγματα όπως φαίνονται;
Ο Ντέλανι Μπράουν είναι ο μεγάλος αδερφός της καλύτερής της φίλης, της Πάρκερ. Επιτυχημένος δικηγόρος, δυναμικός, ισχυρογνώμων, λάτρης των γυναικών, έχει αναλάβει -ανάμεσα στα άλλα- και τις νομικές υποθέσεις των «Όρκων». Γνωρίζει την Λόρελ σε όλη του τη ζωή, όμως μέχρι σήμερα δεν την είχε δει ποτέ ως γυναίκα· ούτε φυσικά θα μπορούσε ποτέ να υποψιαστεί πως εκείνη είναι ερωτευμένη μαζί του εδώ και χρόνια. Μέχρι που οι συνθήκες θα τους φέρουν κοντά και η ερωτική χημεία τους θα γίνει η αιτία για να ξυπνήσει το πάθος ανάμεσά τους.
Όμως η Λόρελ είναι επιφυλακτική απέναντι σε έναν γυναικοκατακτητή όπως ο Ντελ και φοβάται ότι εκείνος δεν θα τη δει ποτέ ως τη γυναίκα με την οποία θα θελήσει να περάσει το υπόλοιπο της ζωής του. Από την άλλη, μόλις συνειδητοποιήσει ότι δεν μπορεί πια να φανταστεί τη ζωή του χωρίς εκείνη, ο Ντελ είναι διατεθειμένος να της αποδείξει ότ�� μπορεί να τον εμπιστευθεί κι οι δυο τους να ζήσουν το δικό τους «και ζήσαν αυτοί καλά και εμείς καλύτερα»…

Στο τρίτο βιβλίο της σειράς, η Roberts ασχολείται με μια ιστορία αγάπης που εκτυλίσσεται ανάμεσα σε δύο μέλη του κεντρικού πυρήνα των ηρώων. Ενώ τα ταίρια της Μακένζι και της Έμα, των ηρωίδων των δύο προηγούμενων βιβλίων, προέρχονται από τον φιλικό τους περίγυρο, ο Ντελ ανήκει στο στενό περιβάλλον της Λόρελ. Δεν είναι απλά ένας φίλος με τον οποίο μπορεί να έχει μια περιστασιακή σχέση και να σταματήσει να τον βλέπει αν και όταν αυτή τελειώσει· είναι ο ��δερφός της καλύτερής της φίλης, του ανήκει εν μέρει το σπίτι στο οποίο μένει κι εκείνη και σχετίζεται εν μέρει και με την επιχείρησή τους. Όλοι αυτοί οι λόγοι, σε συνδυασμό φυσικά με τα πιο βαθιά κρυμμένα αισθήματά της για εκείνον, την οδηγούν στο να διστάζει να τα εκδηλώσει. Επιπλέον, παρόλο που δείχνει η πιο σκληρή από τις τέσσερις και είναι μια δυναμική και σύγχρονη γυναίκα, το παρελθόν της και η οικογενειακή της κατάσταση την κάνουν να νιώθει πως είναι κατώτερή του κοινωνικά. Όμως αυτά δεν μετρούν μπροστά στην αληθινή αγάπη.
Ένα από τα σημαντικότερα θέματα που θίγει η συγκεκριμένη ιστορία είναι ο αδιάσπαστος, δυνατός δεσμός της αληθινής φιλίας ανάμεσα σε αυτές τις τέσσερις γυναίκες. Η Πάρκερ είναι η αδερφή του Ντελ και η καλύτερη φίλη της Λόρελ, όμως δεν επεμβαίνει στην μεταξύ τους σχέση και διατηρεί τον ρόλο του αντικειμενικού κριτή και παρατηρητή. Και φυσικά δεν σοκάρεται όταν ανακαλύπτει τον δεσμό τους, ούτε κρατάει μούτρα στη φίλη της επειδή δεν της τον αποκάλυψε εξαρχής. Είναι πραγματικά αξιέπαινο το πώς διαχειρίζεται εκείνη όλο αυτό το σκηνικό, όντας ένας άνθρωπος που νοιάζεται εξίσου και για τους δύο εμπλεκόμενους σε αυτή τη σχέση· που ενδιαφέρεται για το καλό τους, τους αγαπά το ίδιο και τους έχει και τους δύο στην καρδιά της. Είναι η ιδανική καλύτερη φίλη και η ιδανική αδερφή, ο άνθρωπος που όλοι θα θέλαμε να είχαμε στο πλάι μας είτε βρισκόμασταν στη θέση του Ντελ είτε στης Λόρελ. Γενικότερα, η όλη στάση της Πάρκερ έχει αποδοθεί εξαιρετικά από τη συγγραφέα, με ισόποσες δόσεις διακριτικότητας, ισορροπίας και χιούμορ.
Ταυτόχρονα με το ρομάντζο των δύο πρωταγωνιστών, παρακολουθούμε και το πώς εξελίσσονται οι σχέσεις της Μακένζι με τον Κάρτερ και της Έμα με τον Τζακ. Παρόλο που και οι δυο τους έζησαν το προσωπικό τους happy end και μας άφησαν με την ικανοποίηση του ότι η καθεμία βρήκε το ταίρι της, είναι πολύ ευχάριστο για τον αναγνώστη να τους ξανασυναντά όλους κάθε τόσο, να μαθαίνει τα νέα τους, το πώς εξελίσσονται οι σχέσεις τους, το πώς προχωράνε οι προετοιμασίες των γάμων τους... Αποτελούν εξάλλου ένα ευχάριστο και αναζωογονητικό «διάλλειμα» ανάμεσα στις στιγμές έντασης ή πάθους των δύο κεντρικών ηρώων. Εδώ χτίζεται ουσιαστικά και η σχέση της Πάρκερ και του Μάλκολμ, που τα θεμέλιά της μπήκαν στα προηγούμενα δύο βιβλία και η οποία θα μας απασχολήσει στο επόμενο, τέταρτο και τελευταίο της σειράς. Η χημεία τους, πάντως, υπόσχεται να είναι κάτι παραπάνω από εκρηκτική!
Γλυκιά όπως οι τούρτες της Λόρελ, έντονη όπως η σχέση της με τον Ντελ, συγκινητική όπως μια γαμήλια τελετή και ξεχωριστή όπως κάθε ιστορία αγάπης, «Η δοκιμασία της καρδιάς» υπόσχεται να σας ταξιδέψει σε ένα όμορφο κτήμα κάπου στο Κονέκτικατ, εκεί όπου η αγάπη, ο έρωτας και η αληθινή φιλία μπορούν να κάνουν τα όνειρα και τους πιο κρυφούς πόθους πραγματικότητα.

H κριτική μου για το βιβλίο και στο site "Book City" και τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο: Η δοκιμασία της καρδιάς
Profile Image for Love Fool.
306 reviews107 followers
June 7, 2016
#1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts cordially invites you to meet childhood friends Parker, Emma, Laurel, and Mac — the founders of Vows, one of Connecticut’s premier wedding planning companies.

This book revolves around the talented baker Laurel. This series is fun, a good book to read without putting too much thought into it. It's cute and cheesy, which everyone needs once in a while. It reminds me of every little girl's fairy tale with the great company that the women own and rich good-looking men after these women. And, not to mention how quickly they get engaged! I'm over two years in and still no ring, how do these women do it?
Profile Image for Miss Kim.
535 reviews137 followers
May 13, 2010
3 1/2 stars

*sigh*. I really wanted to love this one, but I didn't. I did like Del and Lauren, but I didn't like the 'conflict'. It was weak, since she'd known him her whole life. It felt like the author had to come up with something to make them 'have it out' before they got an HEA. I am so looking forward to Parker and Mal's book. We get to visit them a bit and this one, and I kept wishing for this to be their book. Ah well, we can't love em all.
Profile Image for Cora.
480 reviews94 followers
January 23, 2023
It feels like Nora Roberts finally hit her stride in this third installment in the Bride Quartet series. I especially loved the flirtiness & the humor between the two love interests. Laurel & Del are both principled characters, prioritizing family & friendship above all else (including their own needs). When Laurel finally found the courage to kiss Del for the first time (after years of pining!), I could feel the heat and passion (and passive aggressiveness 😂). In fact, that scene is a major contender as my favorite scene in this book. Right up there with the baseball scene (in the middle) and the vacation scenes (at the end). It's just too hard to choose. I also enjoyed reading more about Mal in this book.

Although the first two installments are great, the third tops them both! And it does a tremendous job of setting up the next book, which features Parker's & Mal's romance. Can't wait to pick up the next book!
Profile Image for Mafi.
1,131 reviews228 followers
July 22, 2016
Mais um bom livro da série embora, lendo tudo seguido, note-se um certo padrão no enredo e até no comportamento das personagens mas pronto Nora tem aquela fórmula e é por isso que vende!!

Bora lá para o 4º e último livro da série!


O Sabor do Momento - foi melhor que o segundo, embora tenha sido aqui que tenha começado a fica um pouco cansada da série, especialmente na parte das descrições dos casamentos que eram sempre iguais! Se não tivesse lido os livros seguidos não terei notado estes defeitos mas quem leu ou ler tudo de rajada certamente vai notar as repetições. Posto isto esta leitura revelou-se uma doçura. Gostei mais da Laurel do que estava à espera e o Del foi também outra das personagens masculinas que mais gostei.
A Laurel mostrou-se uma personagem independente, talvez das mais fortes a seguir à Parker. Aqui temos novamente um casal que já se conhecia e onde pelo menos um dos elementos nutria uma paixoneta desde a infância sobre o outro cônjuge. Gostei da dinâmica do Del ver e sentir a Laurel como uma irmã e ser muito protector dela das outras sociais da Votos mas à medida que a vai conhecendo melhor acaba por apaixonar-se por ela. Acho que também foi o livro onde houve mais atritos entre o casal e sempre mais empolgante ver um casal às turras. Para além do relacionamento entre as quatro amigas, também vemos a pouco e pouco uma união entre os quatro parceiros das suas amadas, em especial entre o Jack e o Del. Foi engraçado ver que no segundo livro o Del a picar o Jack por causa da Emma e agora acontecer o contrário com estes amigos.

Profile Image for Lynsey A.
1,849 reviews
May 28, 2010
Unfortunately, this one was just ok for me. I was kind of bored with both Del and Laurel. If Laurel loved Del her whole life I didn't see much of it. I really got tired of all the exercise and scenes with the brides that really didn't have anything to do with the Del and Laurel. I guess I wanted to see them together more and it just didn't happen.

I kind of trudged through this one and was glad it was finally over. It's not to say I didn't enjoy parts of the book but for the most part this book was boring for me. In my books I like to have a little conflict between the H/h and they just came together. Yes, Laurel loved Del forever but it didn't feel real to me. It seemed there was more focus on exercise, baking, weddings and the four friends. Friendships are wonderful of course, but this is a romance. I wanted a bit more. It all fell flat for me.

I definitely liked Jack and Emma's story better. I hope I enjoy Malcolm and Parker's story.
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,059 reviews207 followers
February 22, 2019
4.5 - Voto
Terzo appuntamento della saga Il quartetto della sposa, che io ho letto come secondo e devo dire che non mi ha creato un problema particolare. Mi interessava particolarmente la personalità di Laurel: artista della pasticceria e in particolare della pasta di zucchero, che crea torte fantastiche a seconda del gusto e del desiderio degli sposi.

Regina della cucina nella quale lavora, e sostanzialmente padrona di tutto ciò che fa, non ha aiutanti particolari, al di là dei camerieri che servono negli eventi. Le sue ideazioni e le sue opere dolciarie sono descritte nei minimi particolari dall’autrice, indice che la Roberts deve aver frequentato per un bel po’ dei laboratori di pasticceria, per raccontarne così doviziosamente le azioni.

Laurel vive e lavora nella grande proprietà dei Brown con Parker, la sua amica, e Delaney suo fratello avvocato. Con Parker, Mac e Emma, amiche dall’infanzia, portano avanti brillantemente la loro impresa di wedding planning, dove tutto è perfetto nel più infimo particolare, così da rendere indimenticabile ogni matrimonio. Ma per Laurel l’amore è un bel problema perché lei è da sempre innamorata di Del e fa di tutto per nascondere questo sentimento.

Tuttavia, Cupido è intenzionato a metterci lo zampino e farà esplodere la passione tra i due giovani. Arduo sarà il seguito… varrà la pena di impegnarsi per il futuro o sarà solo un sogno destinato a svanire? Per Laurel sarà l’impresa più grande quella di realizzare il legame affettivo perfetto e renderlo stabile.

Consueta ambientazione nella grande tenuta dei Brown, bei personaggi e dialoghi scattanti e ricchi. Un romanzo che è un orologio svizzero, scritto con la consueta maestria dalla grande Roberts, dove trionfa sempre il tipico ottimismo americano e l’immagine della Self-Made Woman con una valanga di buona fortuna.
Emanuela - per RFS
Profile Image for Cathy.
983 reviews70 followers
October 2, 2017
Unless the next one really pulls out all the stops, this will probably remain my favourite of the series.

I didn't know what to expect from Laurel, because in the previous books she'd always seemed like the kind of character I neither like nor dislike. She came across as vaguely annoyed and somewhat ill-tempered all the time, but not necessarily in a bad way, if that makes sense. She was also known by the others as the hard-ass of the group, together with Parker, so I didn't know what I'd be in for with this book.

Del, on the other hand, I pretty much loved from the very first mention of him in book 1. And I liked them together a lot, even though the whole unrequited crush trope can be tricky sometimes. Their banter and sarcastic comments thrown back-and-forth especially worked for me. Plus, there was little to no conflict here and what was there made sense. Laurel had a dumb meltdown moment towards the end, but then I'd come to expect that with these books.
Profile Image for Zaskya Benítez.
846 reviews26 followers
October 19, 2019
4,5 Realmente
Esta serie me encanta, la relación del cuarteto me parece admirable, la manera en que están ahí una al lado de la otra sin importar la situación; y la química que existe entre ellas es envidiable, si a eso le sumamos la manera de escribir de la autora y la historia de amor que encierran sus páginas, se convierte, sin dudas en mi tipo de libro ideal. Por desgracia, Del se me atravesó un poquito, es un personaje más seco y que ve la vida de manera muy cuadrada, y no es que esté mal, pero entre tanta planificación olvida que los seres humanos somos viscerales, nos dejamos llevar por nuestras emociones y que por mucho que apliquemos la lógica hay ciertas situaciones que se nos escapan de las manos. De igual manera el final me pareció un poquito tomado de los pelos, si bien su relación no es nueva, acaban de iniciar en un ámbito amoroso, por lo que si me dan ese desenlace para su historia en el siguiente libro hubiese tenido mucho más sentido, aquí se sintió precipitado y aunque la escena es preciosa., me pareció un poco apresurada.
Profile Image for K..
96 reviews16 followers
May 31, 2010
I've been pretty eager for this book to come out, as I've been happily following the series. Surprising for me how much I've enjoyed this new series by Nora Roberts since I'm not usually a big fan of her books (hit and miss with me). I suspect part of the reason I'm particularly attracted to the stories is due to the wedding planner theme -- it's particularly girly, and I'm pretty darn "girly" myself! ;) Also love the life-long friends falling in love with guys who've been their life-long friends as well. Girl-next store falls in love with boy-next door stuff - another "girly" type romance theme. Anyway ...

I enjoyed Laurel and Del's story immensely. BUT ... I have a feeling these books may come off better in audio than they might be in paper book form. Angela Dawe is the reader on this one, and she's spectacular. She gives a lot of life to the characters, and her inflection and emotion is spot on. Her voices are distinct, and match the characters she assigns them to. I really "get" her emotional vibes, and that goes a long way in getting into the scenes.

Laurel and Del have been virtually life-long friends, and have even "married each other a couple of times" by the time they'd grown up. Since the 4 main heroines of this series own a very successful wedding planning business, Parker (Del's sister) had collared Del a few times to "play groom" by the time he was 8 or 9 years old and paired him up with best friend Laurel while playing "bride" together. Laurel, however, has always known she's hopelessly in love with Del, and that no matter how often she's tried to change the fact and refocus her energies toward other relationships, Del's "THE one" for her! Del has a harder time defining his feelings for Laurel, although he's never doubted for a moment he "love's" her, and has always loved her ... that "love" wasn't the kind typically assigned to a "lover." However, he too has shocked himself a couple of times by how attracted he's begun to find Laurel, and he's a bit afraid of how that sexual attraction might mess up their life-long friendship, which means a lot to him.

I've heard a few reviewers define Laurel's attitude as a bit too bitchy toward Del, and that just doesn't come across in the audiobook. The narrator makes her feelings appropriate and I always knew that Laurel was just "guarding" her feelings. Del comes across as the "head of the family" (which encompasses ALL of his circle of friends, including Laurel): Very in-charge, protective, yet funny and cool type of guy. Their road to figuring out their relationship/love for each other brings the series to a nice conclusion for Laurel/Del, and includes enough set up for Parker and Mal's forthcoming book. Can't wait! The whole audiobook series is worth listening to more than once.
Profile Image for Obsidian.
2,908 reviews1,046 followers
December 28, 2017
This ended up being my highest rated book out of the Bride Quartet series. Probably cause of the mess that Emma and the crew did in book #2 ended up annoying the crap out of me. This one was a really great slow burning romance that thank God had none of the drama of the second book.

Book #3 is about Laurel. Laurel is the baker for the wedding planning business. She ends up getting involved with Del (Parker's brother) and feels out of sorts about how their "relationship" came about and what it even means. Laurel is stubborn about things, but I liked her a lot. She was snarly and combative with her love interest, but it was a nice change of pace.

Del has been a long time fan of all of the "girls". Del at times you got to see was overly protective of all of the women in the series, and though it was a little much at times, it wasn't offputting. He honestly reminded me of Josh Templeton from the "Daring to Dream" series. I liked that he didn't let Laurel push him away and listened to her and made sure she listened to him.

Reading about people working out is boring. Seriously. I could not believe that Roberts included scenes of that. I didn't care about Mac working out to look nice in her wedding dress. I just rolled my eyes. The wedding scenes at this point are here to stay along with the acronyms galore. I honestly just rolled my eyes at how all of the heroes in this series who have full time jobs by the way, happen to always be around to help out the women. It's like how Roarke is always running after Eve like he doesn't have a full time job dealing with a million things.
Profile Image for Nadia.
569 reviews187 followers
January 10, 2018
Big improvement compared to the last one. No fake, forced conflict or breakup. Del and Lauren are just too good together. Can't wait for Parker's book.
Profile Image for ♥ℳelody.
675 reviews735 followers
September 17, 2018

I'm taking a break from all things Nora Roberts. I'm coming to realize that reading the Quartet books back-to-back was a big mistake and her writing style is just not working for me. After Mac's book this series took a nose-dive real fast. All the things I found tiring and dull were amplified in Emma and now Laurel's book and I have a very good feeling will happen in Parker's book as well. Using the same over-tired plot and same snappy dialogue with the exact same outcome in every book isn't interesting or new. I can't even count the number of times my eyes were rolling and I was debating whether or not to even finish this. It's not a good sign when a book becomes a chore to finish. This book completely exhausted me.

Everything is just oh so perfect, easy, charming and witty at the Brown's compound mansion (are mansions really that huge in Greenwich, CT? This place sounds like a massive ritzy hotel than a house with room to spare). Stress & work are resolved and dealt with with excessive wine drinking at any time of the day, plenty of girly gab talk and hitting the gym at the butt crack of dawn for pilates and working out because *gasp* g-d forbid! they can't give into those carbs (seriously?? This was borderline pretentious rather than cute). Laurel's drill sergeant attitude when it comes to working out wasn't amusing or endearing in the least. And oh yes lets not forget Mama hen herself Miss Parker Brown. I swear I felt this was more of Parker's book than Laurel's which I found really depressing. Roberts works overtime to make Parker the shining star of everything, she excels at everything and then some. It's too damn much and excuse me but... fucking ANNOYING. She is literally the go-between Laurel and Del and Laurel spends more time with Parker than she does with Del. And I'm sorry but finding 2 of your best friends bridal gowns as a 'surprise' is not a coincidence but going overboard. It was excessive and irritating the first time around when Parker did it with Mac, but doing it for Emma as well made me want to hurl the book out the door. Seriously?! Can one of these ladies pick out their own damn dress?!! This woman is a total managing control freak of the worst kind and sorry but if my best friend surprised me with a wedding dress without telling me I wouldn't be as thrilled as these gals were cooing and fussing over it. GMAFB. So completely unrealistic. And of course Parker has zero problem talking about her brother Del's sex life, oh no, he's a wonderful decent man, there's nothing wrong with fishing for details from your best friend of how he is in the sack. Really? Just...ew.

Instead of focusing on the actual romance--you know since this is supposed to be a CR--Roberts seems much more devoted and adamant on wasting page time & words going over all the tedious meticulous ins and outs of the wedding business the 4 ladies run and also the endless after-work unwinding with the snarky conversations that go in circles. I really don't care or want to read 20 pages about beach themed, circus themed, Paris themed weddings and what kind of frosting Laurel obsesses over using for each cake. So painfully boring and tedious to read through.

And do I really need to know what everyone is doing after work or the pointless conversations of them fawning over each others perfect skills? I kid you not, Roberts loves to stop in the middle of the story and waste page after page of these 4 ladies fawning and cooing and giggling over how perfect and kickass they are. Give me a break. I seriously saw no relevance to this because it added nothing to the story just made it drag out painfully slow. I got sick of all 4 of them, even Mac who is the most normal out of the four and my favorite & most tolerable one. I barely got to know Laurel, the supposed heroine in this book all I really got from her is her irrational bitchy mood swings and stubborn pride over refusing hand outs (which were extremely overblown in some cases) and her amazing baking/culinary skills. She's either irritated or annoyed at someone or something, I kept wondering if there was anything that didn't irritate this girl. Oh yes and Laurel needs to exercise, and it's a piece of cake to run 5 miles with Parker and doing 50 crunches without a sweat, they are just in perfect shape like that! Oh just stop it.
 photo tumblr_n3tqzwXpZa1qi4eh9o1_500.gif
*major eye roll*

Del just played third fiddle through pretty much 80% of the story. He came off very one dimensional in some areas. Besides his good looks, easy charm and his law career I didn't know much about him as a character. I found it very hard to believe Laurel being in love with him since childhood, it's reminded to us several times but not shown. She kept saying she loved him and how he will always be the one but I didn't feel it. At all. For the exception of one or two cute moments, the steam factor was dull as dishwater. The author kept telling me, rather than showing me these two were in love. Another issue I have with Roberts style of writing: much more telling than showing. The sex scenes were just fuzzy unclear watered-down cliched analogies of exploding stars, riding waves, seeing rainbows then ending in exhausted heaps for the afterglow 2 lines later. -__- *crickets*.... Yeah, not feeling it. Been there, done that. Please give me more than that. And trying to decipher if they even...finished just puts a damper in the steam department for me. I wanted to feel these two falling for each other, Del actually slowly coming to the realization that he does in fact love her, instead we are told 'oh yeah, of course! I love her!! Omg, now I need to propose to her even though the idea never crossed my mind a week ago.' How could he not realize it sooner?? RME. The progression and growth of this relationship was so stagnant & lackluster.

I'm still a semi-new reader to Nora Roberts but given her impressive list of books she's pulled out and her huge following & well known name in CR I'm really surprised with how tame her writing is. And I'm not saying this to be mean or callous in any way, it's just my opinion but so far nothing about her writing or storytelling has been exceptional or worth buying or re-reading for me. I don't get the hype. For the exception of the first book in this series which I found fun and endearing, nothing else has grabbed me.

I have Parker's book sitting by my bed but I honestly don't have the patience or interest to sit through it. I was intrigued by Mal but Parker irritated me one too many times in this and her reaction to bad-boy Mal was expected and typical.'He's soooo rude!' RME. She's a caricature to me, a perfect flawless character who thinks for everyone, solves everyone and their mothers problems, and likes to manage everyone's lives like the good busy body she is with perfect aplomb. Gag me. Nobody is that perfect or evolved for that matter Nora Roberts so cut it out. I need a character with flaws, a sense of humor, a personality, some freaking depth. This character is as deep as a puddle of water on a table.-__- But don't fret, Roberts crams this book with back and forth banter between the ladies with the 'bitch slut' zingers to make the ladies more 'fun' and relatable. It works the first go around but the 3rd time? Not so much.

I'd definitely advise against reading these books back-to-back because it gets exhausting real fast and just hi-lights the redundancy of the entire series and it's countless shortcomings. There is nothing new or different between the 3 books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,287 reviews

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