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Love Detective #1

Индия – рецепта за любов

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Чана масала с лютив вкус и сватбени камбани...

Да си необвързан и да се озовеш в разгара на сватбения сезон в Индия – не е ли ирония на съдбата... Именно в тази ситуация попада авторката Александра Потър. В началото на 2012 г. тя прекарва четири седмици в Раджастан, който е известен като Земя на царете. „Тогава нямах сериозна връзка, бях в компанията на приятелка сред всички тези сватби и си помислих – това е някаква шега... Въпреки всичко беше страхотно, срещах прекрасни хора! Индия наистина е магическо място, което ме вдъхнови за новия ми роман”.

„Индия – рецепта за любов” е първата книга от новата поредица на Александра Потър - „Пътешествията на Руби Милър”. Авторката отново предлага на своите читатели романтична комедия с „искрица магия”, както самата тя обича да казва, но този път е добавила и елемента на пътуването, тъй като именно пътешествията са една от големите страсти в живота й.
Романът „Индия – рецепта за любов” ни поднася романтика и забавление в съвършена форма.

Любовта следва неотлъчно Руби Милър...
Тя е писателка на романтични истории с щастлив край. Но нейната собствена не завършва щастливо: когато открива, че годеникът й е лъжлив задник, губи вярата си в любовта. Както и вдъхновението си.
Затова, когато сестра й я кани на слънчева ваканция в Индия, за да забрави проблемите си, Руби взема първия самолет и се впуска в шеметно приключение.
После всичко се случва прекалено бързо:
- сестра й е влюбена в инструктора си по йога и бяга, за да се омъжи тайно
- багажът на Руби е откраднат
- красив, но досаден американец е единствената й надежда да оцелее в Индия
- странен и смешен шофьор на бял амбасадор е техният гид по разнебитените пътища на страната.
Руби бързо научава, че индийската храна може и да не е толкова пикантна, колкото е смятала, да яздиш камила не е същото, като да яздиш пони, и едно от най-важните неща в Индия е да имаш винаги под ръка руло тоалетна хартия.
Започналото пътуване в търсене на сестра й скоро се превръща във вихрено пътешествие, което я среща с различни романтични места и... истории! И където я очакват сюрпризите на любовта...

„Защото такова е положението с любовта – тъкмо когато си мислиш, че си разбрал всичко, и тя има навика да те изненадва.”

304 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2014

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About the author

Alexandra Potter

28 books2,011 followers
Alexandra Potter is the best-selling author of numerous romantic comedy fiction novels including Confessions of a Forty-Something F##K Up (which is now the basis of a major TV show) and One Good Thing. These titles have sold in twenty-five territories and achieved worldwide sales of more than one million copies (making the bestseller charts in the UK, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Serbia).

Yorkshire born and raised, Alexandra lives in London with her Californian husband and their Bosnian rescue dog. When she's not writing or travelling, she's getting out into nature, trying not to look at her phone and navigating this thing called mid-life.

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Profile Image for Apoorva.
190 reviews206 followers
August 11, 2020
Okay, so first things first, let me tell you why I chose this book. It was available in the library near my place. I have never heard of this author, and I am a little skeptical when it comes to reading romance novels (as the title suggested), so I turned to Goodreads for guidance. It showed 4-stars, and I took to read the blurb; Goa, adventure, and runaway bride, these stood out, and it instantly piqued my curiosity. (I know that shouldn't have been the case, but as I said earlier, I get a little doubtful when choosing romance-related stories).

This book is a cute love story, even though the protagonist is far off from thinking of romance. The author gets you to believe in destiny; everything that happens to us is pre-destined and will take its course at the appropriate time.

The diverse elements of India and the protagonist's journey make you feel like you are a part of the trip. Be it the Goan beaches, the train ride, the road trip, the beautiful Taj Mahal, the attractive Udaipur, or the picturesque Pushkar; the description of everything is in such detail that you can't help but fall in love with all of it, and yes even with India. I downright loved reading the book, still has me smiling!!
Profile Image for Ana.
510 reviews353 followers
August 14, 2014

Also posted on This Chick Reads

*Copy provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review*

I'm a HUGE fan of Alexandra Potter and I'm proud to say I've read (and own) almost all of her novels. The very first book I read by her was 'You're The One That I Don't Wan't' and it was that brilliant book that made me fall in love with Ms. Potter and her beautiful writing. The thing is, no matter how many books by Potter you read, you can never get enough of her charm, humor and magical stories. Having that said, I was beyond thrilled to get the opportunity to read/review this book and even weeks after I read it, I still can't get it out of my mind. That's always good my friends, right?

Though I had high expectations, I was literally blown away by this book. It tells the story of Ruby Miller, a romance writer who just got her heart broken by her cheating, lying boyfriend. How inconvenient right? To earn your living writing romance, at times when you have zero faith in love and men! After being advised by her lovely agent to take a short (yet much needed) break from writing and home, she decides to leave for Goa, India. She'll have the opportunity to visit a fabulous new country, see her sister Amy (who she misses so much) and come back fresh with loads of writing ideas.

But things get a bit complicated at the time she's about the leave India. Her sister, whom she's to meet at the airport, stands her off telling her she's marrying Shine, her yoga instructor and is staying in India. Ruby has been taking care of her little sister for all her life, and though Amy has always been the sassy one, Ruby simply can not allow her to make such a HUGE mistake. So, she decides (once again) she's to 'save' her sister even if she has no clue where exactly in India she is.

That's when the real adventure for Ruby begins, followed by loads of very awkward and funny situations.

I truly loved every second of this book. It's one of these rare books you admire everything about. The cover is gorgeous and eye catchy, and I don't know of a single soul who hasn't commented this is one of the most gorgeous covers they've ever seen. Second (and yes, most important) is the lovely story which is beautiful written, charming, interesting and will keep you glued to it's pages. The fresh, efortless humor is one of the things I really admire Potter for. Everything just flows perfectly! The pacing is fast and there's just so many things going on, making it a real page turner. Ruby and Jack are wonderful characters you'll root for, despite the fact Jack seemed a bit annoying at first (both for Ruby and me).

But, I absolutely applaud to Ms. Potter for the beautiful, vivid descriptions of India! I LOVE that country and definitely want to visit it one day, to see the beautiful Taj Mahal and be mesmerized by it's greatness. Ahhh, that would be wonderful! But in a way, I saw it through Ms. Potter's (and Ruby's) eyes, I was transported to India and oh so loved the adventure!

Overall, (and I say this rarely) this is a MUST read for all chick lit fans! Just like each of her previous ones, this book is wonderful WONDERFUL! Honestly, I didn't expect anything less than brilliant from Alexandra Potter. She's definitely one of the authors whose books I can't praise enough. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get this book, buy it, lend it..even steal it if you have to (ups, I don't really want you to get in trouble though...but you know what I mean) and READ IT! Namaste!:)
Profile Image for Bookworm.
637 reviews23 followers
July 22, 2014
I was pretty disappointed with the first half of the book. I've enjoyed books by this author before but somehow this one isn't my cup of tea. Ruby Miller's narration comes across as whiny, overly dramatic and pathetic. There I've said it. There were simply too many unwise and annoying things she did, like overspending on useless souvenirs, expecting the India train service to be luxurious and running away from Jack after spotting the ruby ring without clearing her doubts. And it's not that she's a teenager... The plot picks up halfway and I enjoyed reading about her impromptu exploration with Rocky and Billy. I like the sound of Pushkar. Sadly though, I didn't feel convinced that Jack and Ruby could fall in love with each other. The author doesn't really paint a clear picture of his personality apart from him having a sassy mouth. I didn't feel a connection between those two. And what are the chances that she meets the lady and her daughter who are connected to Jack... On an airplane? I know the author wove in a bit of magic and destiny stuff but the idea doesn't gel well in the story. Lastly, I find it quite ridiculous that Amy and Shine didn't seek advice from religious leaders for their apparent ill-luck in their would be marriage.... Ruby had to fly to the rescue using... google... I don't know, what can I say? I like the author but not Ruby Miller.
Profile Image for Natalie TBGWP.
401 reviews23 followers
March 5, 2015
For my first read of 2014 I am happy to announce all upcoming books need to be afraid. Alexandra Potter's new release The Love Detective is not only a fabulous romance novel, but an inspiring, cultural whirlwind. You start not really knowing what you're going to get with the book, but more or less straight away you are engrossed and captivated in Indian sun and a delightful tale of love, friendship, family and fate.

Heroine Ruby Miller has you eating out of her hands after a few chapters. Badly heartbroken by a cheating fiancé the week of her wedding has left her physically and emotionally crushed, as a romance author this isn't too good for her writing. Timid, organised and with a passion for Pyjamas you connect with her like she's one of your own friends that you want to make happy again. Her one liner's have you in stitches my personal favourite being when describing her arse in a bikini Sags like rice pudding in a string bag is genius.

It really is an excellent book. Fast, sharp, witty and as it's the start of a new series I am seriously looking forward to book two.
A must read for 2014.
Profile Image for Emma Griffiths.
13 reviews1 follower
June 19, 2015
Loved this book so much! It was so good, I couldn't put it down and I was always so excited to read the next chapter, which is why I've brought some more books from Alexandra Potter which I'm excited to read and I hope they'll bring me as much joy as they did with this one.
Profile Image for Nikki.
81 reviews
February 7, 2015
To be honest, this isn't really my genre but I bought this for my friend about a year ago and she loved it and immediately lent it back to me with instructions to read it. It's sat on my shelf ever since but she mentioned it to me again the other day and I decided it was about time I read and returned it! I'd just finished a longer novel and I thought I could do with something like this to mix it up a bit.

I raced through it - I only started it last night and finished it early this morning - but it was such an easy book to get into. I loved the main character, Ruby Miller, and I just got swept up along with her as she made her madcap journey across India. There's a quote on the back of my copy which described Alexandra Potter's work as 'feel good fiction' and I totally agree with that. Sometimes we all need something cosy and comforting with a little bit of sparkle to remind us that life can be an adventure, even (or especially, depending on your point of view) if it's through the pages of a book.

Profile Image for Agi.
1,605 reviews100 followers
January 23, 2015
After reading "The Love Detective" (finally! finally!) I can proudly say that I have read all of Alexandra's books, and that this one is one of her best. If I am not mistaken, this is the first book in the series about Ruby and I really can't wait to see what Ms Potter has in store for us with the next books, as this one was truly enjoyable and very fresh!

Ruby Miller is a writer but she finds herself in a writing backlog right now. Well, she writes romances but after being badly treated by her boyfriend she doesn't believe in love anymore, so it's not a wonder that she usually sits for her computer and can't write a word - how, if she doesn't believe in love and men anymore? So, her agent suggests (and offer she can't refuse!) that she should take a break. following this advice, Ruby finds herself on Goa, India. She can not only charge the batteries but also try some yoga and see her younger sister Amy. And best, comes back with a head full of stories to write.
But the things complicate a little when Amy confesses that she wants to marry the yoga teacher, Shine, and in the end she elopes with him. Ruby sets off, chasing after his sister through the whole India, and here begins the true India adventure for her: through travelling by a train, being mugged, meeting a handsome stranger Jack who in the end helps her, riding on a camel and sleeping on the desert and taking part in many, many weddings... As colourful and livid as only India could be...

This book is set mostly in India, on Goa, in Mumbai and Rajahastan, and there couldn't be a better setting to it. Although I must add straight away that there were many moments that I felt the author, writing this book, took the opportunity to recount her own experiences from travelling across India (because she must have been there and done her research, right? I'm not wrong?) and it's more her travel memories than a book about Ruby. Sometimes it happens that such books feel more as travel guides than fiction but that was not the case - there was a lot travelling and sightseeing but it was written in a light, easy way and the detailed descriptions were brilliant, vivid and so realistic! No matter if of the beach on Goa or the famous Taj Mahal, and Ms Potter has wonderfully transported the beauty of this all on paper, plus she shares some very, very interesting historical facts with us!

Ruby was such a grouch at the beginning of the book! She didn't want to take risks, she felt at best at home, and, moreover, after her boyfriend cheated on her, she doesn't believe in love anymore! Awww, Ruby... How is it possible when you are an author and writes romances? This is probably the reason of her author's block, because how can you write about love if you don't believe in it? But I actually so fell for her, I think you can't not like Ruby, she's in fact funny and very prone to accident, and is something could go wrong than you can be sure that it is going to be wrong. She was also hot - blooded and I couldn't understand her obsession with "saving Amy" but altogether, she was likeable, believable, nice person and I think it might be fun to travel together with her. Ruby belongs to my favourite category of characters, namely those who are dynamic and develop and change through the story.

While I adored Ruby, I was not the biggest fan of her sister Amy. Too shallow and too egoistical for my liking, she didn't take any notice of other people, having always put herself up front and not thinking about consequences. She doesn't want to find a job? Well, let her. She wants to get married to a guy that she doesn't know too good? Well, let her. It's her life and people must also make their own misjudgements, same as we made ourselves. We must learn by our own mistakes.

As in previous Alexandra's books, there is a sparkle of magic in this one as well, but I am not so sure if it sit with me this time. As much as I enjoyed Rocky, and especially his desert - drinking accident, I still am not sure about him and his plot. There is magic and there is magic, and it was just too obvious, even for the fiction.

But altogether, I thoroughly enjoyed this journey with Ruby. It was incredibly packed with action and colourful characters, especially those that Ruby meets on her way to find Amy. It's full of fun and brilliant atmosphere and I think this is Alexandra's best book yet. She has brought the characters and the settings to life wonderfully. A great read in fact, warm and uplifting, and the best way to forget about this dull, grey world behind the window. Really can't wait for the second book in the series.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
141 reviews64 followers
July 10, 2017
"Life should not be about the number of breaths you take, but the number of moments that take your breath away."

After reading the book, well I must say!

I mean, despite the fact that as I've started reading the first few chapters of Alexandra Potter's new novel, I thought it was really going to be insanely boring. But I was totally wrong! Not only the book cover is really cute and catchy for its female readers, even the story was actually nice. So what made this novel entirely humorous to read? Its those witty lines! I just can't stop myself from laughing every time I'm reading it.

Furthermore, reading this book was also like being part of Ruby Miller's unexpected adventure to the multicultural land of India. Its as if I was actually there, sinking it all in! Absorbing all those descriptions about these different places, famous landmarks, Indian food, Indian Culture, Traditional Outfits and of course, the very famous Chai Tea! Makes me wanna experience it so badly!

So if your someone who've really enjoyed Elizabeth Gilbert's "Eat, Pray, Love", then surely you are really going to like this Chick-Lit novel.
Profile Image for Bookevin.
933 reviews818 followers
January 23, 2014

OK, people! Alexandra Potter is back this year with a brand-new series and she's really upped the ante for her books! The Love Detective is the first book in her new series, which follows the story of famous romance novelist, Ruby Miller who goes on a holiday in Goa to meet her sister, Amy. In a whirlwind of sexy yoga instructors, unfortunate incidents, breathtaking views and glorious weddings, Ruby is in for the adventure of her life. And things get seriously complicated when she meets a very handsome American who has the most annoyingly charming smile.

I've only read a handful of Alexandra Potter's books but for me, The Love Detective is on an entirely different level! I really enjoyed You're The One That I Don't Want, but Alexandra's latest is simply fabulous and exciting! The thrill of exploring India through the eyes of her heroine, Ruby is beyond exciting and I was enraptured by Alexandra Potter's intricate, detailed descriptions of the beauty of India. You will be blown away by the sheer opulence of the Taj Mahal, the blindingly gorgeous views. I really fell in love with everything about India in the book!

Are you tired of being at home, padding around your flat, cold and miserable? Well, don't you just wish you could drop everything you're doing and head off to somewhere exotic and sunny and exciting? Too bad plane tickets cost a fortune, but fret not, The Love Detective could easily be your escape! From the incredibly picturesque sunsets to the fascinating cultures of India, get ready to be swept off your feet!

The characters, especially the heroine, Ruby is such a lovable and funny character. I really liked her from the beginning as she carried herself very well as a protagonist. Prone to disasters and mishaps, you won't be able to stop yourself from laughing! Oh, and the "American". Don't get me started. Let's just say he will grow on you! Throughout the course of the book, Ruby encounters locals with different stories and cultures and ethnics, which is a wonderful addition to the book. I was really hooked on the plot as there's an air of mystery and adventure as Ruby and Jack (the "American") set on a rat's race to find Amy. I admit, the plot is well-written and it will definitely keep readers engaged.

The Love Detective is an absolutely exciting and roller coaster of a book! It's pure escapism and I loved it so much, I even convinced my mum to have Indian for dinner! A romantic love story, with the right amount of glamour, sprinkled with magic! Roll on the next book, Alex!

Rating: 8/10
Profile Image for Lightblue.
671 reviews32 followers
March 16, 2016

What is love, if not the greatest mistery of all?
Seriously, just look at Charles and Camilla!

“The Love Detective” è il primo capitolo di una serie che racconta le avventure di Ruby, famosa scrittrice di libri rosa ma delusa dall’amore nella vita reale, dopo aver scoperto che il fidanzato l’ha tradita ad un passo dalle nozze.

Decisa a prendersi una pausa dalla routine quotidiana, Ruby si regala una vacanza e va in India, precisamente nelle spiagge paradisiache di Goa, dove anche la sorella si sta godendo un periodo di libertà. Per una serie di vicissitudini molto divertenti e paradossali, Ruby si ritroverà a visitare non solo Goa, ma tutta l’India in un mix di profumi, colori e tradizioni davvero suggestivo. Insieme a Ruby scoprirete la vera natura dell’India, i suoi misteri, la povertà, il cibo speziato e delizioso, i monumenti, l’eleganza stessa di un Paese ricco di contraddizioni.

Ruby, in questo viaggio movimentato e rocambolesco, ritroverà la fiducia nell’Amore? Riuscirà a lasciarsi andare, correndo il rischio di innamorarsi di nuovo? Mettere i propri sentimenti in gioco vuol dire rischiare di soffrire… ma decidere di non amare più, non è di per sé una sofferenza?

Life should not be about the number of breaths you take, but the number of moments that take your breath away.
Profile Image for Linda Dobinson.
Author 9 books149 followers
June 1, 2015
When I opened this book Alexandra Potter was a new author to me, when I closed it she was one of my favourites.
This is a truly engrossing story and I was totally lost in it. Ruby Miller is a likable heroine and I thoroughly enjoyed the magical mystery tour across India. I am happy that I now know a little more about Indian culture and a lot more about India's geography than I did. For all romance fans this book is a must.
Profile Image for Deejay (DZ).
40 reviews32 followers
February 1, 2018
I rarely give a book 5 stars but this one totally deserved it, it made me feel so many emotions, I laughed and I cried oh so many times, I don't usually read romance and comedy but I wanted to try something different, I was blown away, and I instantly fell in love with Jack, my ship DID sail, man I love happy ever afters !! Thank you Alexandra for this masterpiece !!
Profile Image for syuffey.
11 reviews
January 15, 2015
My first book in 2015. Totally love this book. I love to travel but I haven't been to India. Now I feel like taking the first flight there
Profile Image for Ivy Olivia.
11 reviews2 followers
May 20, 2014
loving the way alexandra wrote it <3
can't wait to read her next books! :D
Profile Image for Tinka.
288 reviews48 followers
January 26, 2014
“Oh Jeez, you haven’t gone all Eat, Pray, Love on me, have you?”

Two things about me before we get into this review:
1) I’m a cynic.
2) Despite being a cynic, whenever I’m in a total stressful situation I tend to ignore that part of my personality and read utterly romantic chick lit.

The thing is, “Chick Lit” as you call it is not what I usually read, however a few times a year I kind of need it. Whenever I’m really stressed out (mostly when it times for my Exams at university) I need something to calm me down, and these kind of books do that for me.
They are easy going, cheerful, you don’t have to use your brain too much and the happy end is basically a given thing. It is perfect if you want to chill out.

I discovered Alexandra Potter a few years ago, when a friend of mine gave me Me and Mr. Darcy because of my love for Pride and Prejudice. I enjoyed this book a lot and a while ago I picked up You’re The One I Don’t Want, which was also enjoyable (even though I had my problems with it).
So a few days ago I got my recommendations from Amazon telling me that Alexandra Potter wrote a new book. I checked out the premise and was really intrigued. In short, 10 minutes later I had it on my Kindle.

The writing was in typical Alexandra-fashion easy and charming and just pulled me in right away.
The story was very entertaining. It reminded me quite a bit of Eat, Pray, Love and I really enjoyed that the book referenced it.

The journey through India was fascinating. I’ve never been there, but reading the descriptions I could see, feel and even smell it. It was magical and captivating.
The wild goose chase aspect for the story was a lot of fun as well. It was exciting to read how it all would turn out. Would Amy marry Shine? Was he a good guy? I liked to guess along with Ruby.

Speaking of, I really enjoyed the characters. If you read a few books from Alexandra Potter you may realize that her characters always follow a very similar structure. We have the likable, but quirky heroine, the somewhat sarcastic love interest and the following first they don’t like each other then they fall for each other love story and a cast of colorful, slightly crazy sight characters.
I think it is kind of a genre thing that the characters are almost somewhat similar to each other (Sophie Kinsella for example does the same thing) but I’m not criticizing it. Sometimes it’s good when you get exactly what you expect.

Ruby was likable from the very first moment. I could identify with her a lot, especially with her somewhat cynic views and her trouble with getting out of her comfort zone. And we should talk about yoga, because I felt for her.

She was a great heroine and it was easy to root for her.

The love interest Jack was also very likeable. Again, a somewhat stereotypical character, but he was a good guy and you wanted him to get the girl in the end.

The side characters were really good as well. I especially enjoyed Rocky, whatever the hell he was in the end (I like the bit about the fairy godmother).
Like always there was somewhat supernatural element in the story and it was played in a very sweet, very subtle fashion.

The book in general read like you were watching Pretty Woman or The Runaway Bride. It was sweet, cheesy, likeable and just enjoyable.

Conclusion: Entertaining, easy and fast read. Likeable characters, interesting story. You get what you expect.

Recommendation: If you like that kind of genre, you gonna love this. And if you look for a sweet, relaxing read you gonna love it as well. It is perfect if you want a relaxing night on the sofa or for vacation.
Profile Image for Tripfiction.
1,735 reviews205 followers
May 1, 2015
Romance novel set in India (get a tourist perspective)

Ever since Ruby, aged thirty-something, caught her (now ex) fiancé in flagrante with another woman, life has been in a bit of a rut – staying in watching tv, curling up with her dog etc. That is until her elderly next door neighbour points out that “There’s plenty of time to be sensible when you get to my age.” so she jumps on a plane to join her sister on holiday in Goa.

After a seemingly death defying journey from the airport to their holiday destination, Ruby finds herself in a wonderful peaceful hotel away from the outside hectic world. Yoga classes are held in the open air as the sun sets, flower petals adorn the bed and all is calm and beauty. That is until Ruby’s sister runs away. Ruby is then swept away on a whirlwind of adventure that takes her from Goa, to Agra and the Taj Mahal, to the stunning scenery of Pushkar, to the wedding season in Udaipur and finally on to Jodhpur.

“Look after your little sister” is a refrain Ruby has been brought up with, so she cannot let her parents down. But what about Heathcliff back in London, and the tall, dark, handsome, but annoying, American she meets? Ruby is definitely not looking for love, just her little sister – and her incredible journey through India provides the reader with many laugh out loud moments. As Ruby says, “What a difference a week makes”, from her old life which was safe and predictable including “a whole drawer full of clean underwear” to the chaos that is her current life, which brings with it the extraordinary feeling of being free. Her search opens her mind to new experiences as she discovers all that is magical about India.

For the traveller, this book gives a great idea of what it is like to travel in India, from train journeys to tuk tuks, from touring the Taj Mahal to sleeping in a tent. How to enjoy the spices in Indian cooking, and what not to do if you have had your hands henna’ed. The unbelievable colours, the friendly people and the scary traffic are all depicted in a bright, light amusing way.

Light romantic comedy is not a genre I usually read, but I really enjoyed this lively, humorous and upbeat book. The characters in the book are wonderful, from Ruby’s literary agent who must be obeyed, to Rocky a taxi driver, to the awful Cindy. The plot had plenty of twists and turns to keep me interested and the insights into India (from a tourist’s viewpoint) were fascinating – in fact so good that I certainly want to re-visit this country, in particular Pushkar. I even learnt some urban slang!

This is a book that rainy days are made for – a wonderful escape into warmer climes.
Profile Image for Fabulous Book Fiend.
1,180 reviews160 followers
January 4, 2014
Review: firstly can we all just take a moment to appreciate the gorgeous cover of this book. This is something completely different, a new look for this author and I am completely in love with it! Having read this novel on my kindle, I am actually toying with the idea of buying the paperback just so I can have this cover sitting gloriously on my shelf! Now onto the actual content of the book. I was totally drawn into this book right from the word go. The idea of a writer sitting there in her dressing gown with her cold coffee was the perfect way to hook me into this book and I fell in love with Ruby right from that moment on!

Ruby was wonderful as a main character, she was a strong female lead, full of integrity and was determined to get what she wanted, what was best, not matter what. No one could call Ruby a quitter! She was also very suspicious of love and had kind of given up on it, I could definitely identify with this, there are some other really cool characters in this novel. Ruby's sister Amy is your kind of typical spoiled brat but she does have some endearing qualities, jack is an obvious love interest for Ruby right from the word go, but with Ruby's disinterest in love, will she be able to see this herself. Then there is drive Rocky who leads Ruby on hr adventure around India and back into love again. I loved this character, I thought he was so funny and totally tied everything together!

The setting of this novel couldn't get any better, starting off set in London and then moving onto a beautifully described colourful setting of India-splendid! I really enjoyed the descriptions of the sounds and smells as well as just the sights that potter put into this, my mouth was watering at the descriptions of some of the tastes too! Potter always has an element of escapism in her novels and a slight nod to mysticism or magic which I really enjoy and so what better setting could she have chosen to incorporate both of these things?

Overall this is definitely another hit for this author, if you haven't read any of her other novels, this would be a great place to start and then work your way through her back catalogue! This is a stand alone novel and reading about the heat of India and Ruby's exhausting voyage of self discovery will definitely heat you up in the cold winter months! I loved it!
Profile Image for Lu Newman.
40 reviews15 followers
February 19, 2014
This was my cup of Chai Tea...

This book inspired me... not to fall in love but to travel to India. I have read a few stories set in a variety of countries but none of them have made me want to go to a country as much as this one. The book unfortunately is predominantly a love story, a will they, won't they saga. Sadly it is very obvious the way in which the story is heading. It would have been nice to be surprised.

This is the second story I have read by Alexandra Potter and to be honest I was not disappointed with story. It is always a bit of a worry when you revisit an author whose book you previously enjoyed a lot. There is an expectation that you expect to be reached. I can quite happily say it was.

The Love Detective is the first book in a new series by Alexandra Potter and it introduces us to the main character Ruby Miller. Ruby is an author of romance novels who is having trouble writing her next book, much to her agents dismay. The reason behind this is because Ruby has fallen out of love, with love. Her agent recommends that she takes a holiday so she decides to visit her little sister Amy who is currently in Goa. This begins her spectacular tour of India with a stranger from the states, a driver called Rocky and a variety of interesting people and stories along the way.

I really enjoyed the subplots, I love the fact that they are not forgotten and become woven into the story to make it whole. Some authors I have noticed recently have decided to leave you hanging with characters and subplots etc... thinking it is cool or clever. It is not it is just frustrating because you want answers. However, this story tied everything together into one extremely satisfactory ending. The descriptions of India are beautiful and really bring the country to life. So much so I wanted to buy a ticket and go straight away after reading this story.

I did really enjoy this book and would recommend it to anyone that is looking for an interesting read that is not too taxing. Judge this book by the cover because it is a beautiful cover that holds a delightful story.
Profile Image for Sarah Broadhurst.
79 reviews150 followers
January 13, 2014
I have read many of Alexandra Potter's back catalogue and have enjoyed them all and this book is another great read. I read it very quickly and enjoyed every page.

When I pick up one of Potter's books I am expecting a chick lit, romantic read, however I found this book was even better than normal. Throughout this book the reader is introduced to the sights, sounds and smells of India as Ruby travels through the country on a train before travelling further by car, visiting local markets, towns and cities, seeing families living in varying levels of poverty and splendor, all while trying to find her sister who has run away to marry the yoga teacher from the resort she visited on holiday.

The story is so much more than a love story. I really think that the author has been to India and traveled in the cramped 'express' train, where many classes of life, travel on the same train in differing conditions. The towns and cities that Ruby visited are described in such a way that the reader is able to conjure up images of India very easily. This level of description never not deter away from the story, it is entwined within the story well, and adds much to the story-line. Towards the end of the book, when Ruby closes in on her sister, there is an another love story taking shape and I really think that the story was well planned out and written.

The cover is beautiful, although there is little to suggest to the reader that they are off on a whirlwind journey through India in search of Ruby's sister.

I would recommend this as a fantastic read for lovers of chick lit reads but also those who like books that take the reader to warmer climbs.
Profile Image for Katie.
2 reviews
October 12, 2014
The love detective jumped out at me in the book shop, the front cover is beautiful and turning over the book to read the back I knew I wouldn't be leaving the store without it.

I absolutely loved reading the love detective -I think I went through every emotion whilst reading it, I was laughing,cringing even crying at one point! Sitting in my front room I was transported to India- into a world of colour and culture.

The story is about Ruby Miller, a writer who lives in London with her dog and a broken heart, her agent insists she goes on holiday for a break, so off she goes to India to stay with her sister Amy. The holiday all goes well until Ruby is waiting at the airport to fly back to London with her sister, however, Ruby soon realises she has a runaway sister. Refusing to leave India without her little sister, Ruby's magical mystery adventure across India begins.

A 31 hour train ride across India with missing bags and the handsome american 'know it all' man, Jack. Their adventure really begins with rocky the tour guide in his white car. A journey which begins to find Ruby's eloping sister turns out to be an adventure to find herself and love again.

I really felt as though I had visited India with the way Alexandra Potter described all the cities and villages with such detail all the foods, smells, colours and culture. There are so many unexpected twists in this story it really kept me on my toes, when you are sure you know what's coming next it's totally different!

I really loved this book and would recommend it to anyone. The love detective is a true rom-com which had me laughing & even shedding a tear towards the end!
Profile Image for Kimiko-K.
169 reviews
July 13, 2014
Prologue: The moment I sighted 5 satisfying stars along with panegyrics for this books' reviews, I rushed to the bookstore and grabbed it.

The laugh: Oh god, Potter never fails to send me cracking out and risked my Mother throwing me into the asylum; no one does humor quite like her! The people who says reading is a monotonous and lackluster activity certainly had not had to chance to chance on one of her books, seriously missing out there.

The story: They say a good book makes you feel like U R living the protagonist's story N forget about your reality, this is one of those books, except better. Why? I get to travel across India on various mode of transports, met some intriguing people and fell in love with her understated beauty and extravagance - all for free (excluding the $ I paid for the book...)!

The epilogue: After this book, you would never think of India the same way as you did (for me, I was hell-bent on not ever stepping foot there due to the news of rapes and riots and general poor image from media influences) and even after a month, my curiosity and desire to visit Rajasthan was itching to overtake my schedule and get flying!
Profile Image for Yvonne.
26 reviews1 follower
June 3, 2014
The Love Detective is such a lovely read! Alexandra Potter has me feeling the heat and smelling the glorious food in India. Being in Asia myself, it's so easy to relate to the places described and the overly crowded train rides.

I've got the weirdest chills and goosebumps towards the end when Jack elaborated the strange email and his full name... Good lovely goosebumps though! :)

Also I must have yelled at & strangled Ruby silently a million times, for not having coffee with Diana's friend right.from.the.beginning! Seriously!

It's a wonderful read!!!! Love it! And I can't wait for her next one. So Paris it is?? :)
Profile Image for Katy Leanne.
19 reviews1 follower
December 15, 2014
I think Alexandra is fast becoming my new favourite author!
I loved this book, it was packed of adventure and not slow moving like a lot of other novels can be, I think we can all identify with ruby in one way or another which makes the character loveable, and the story amazing in her travels across India, it even inspired me to perhaps travel there one day, maybe without eating train chocolate though! I was hooked on this book and would recommend it to everyone, I'm now collecting all her other books!
Profile Image for Kate.
133 reviews6 followers
December 23, 2014
It is obvious that the book was inspired from Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love minus the fact that instead of finding love in Bali, Ruby Miller found love in Rajasthan, India in a form of Jack Simon. I love the chemistry between Ruby and Jack during the entire journey and the mysterious Rocky.

India may appear hard to love, but despite all the negative feedback I read about the environment, I am still including India in my travel bucket list.
Profile Image for Pau Cevasco.
122 reviews
December 27, 2014
Great job, yet again! I read a lot by Alexandra Potter and found her again a couple of weeks ago, so I mentally put her in my to-read list, and I'm so happy I did! I finished it in a day, couldn't put it down! It's the perfect feel-good read for anyone who has been feeling a little faithless in the love department... A great book to read whilst huggin a cup of sweet coffee, cause it'll give you the same warmy feeling
Profile Image for Frenchorchidea.
394 reviews41 followers
March 20, 2014
I already loved the stories and writing from Alexandra Potter before, but now it's even more than love!!!! this book is wonderful!!!! Very lovely story and also very funny at some parts! i surprised myself laughing out loud!!!! And i really enjoyed travelling through India with Ruby, Jack and Rocky :) Wonderful book! I can only recommand it!!!!!!
Profile Image for Amy.
56 reviews
January 12, 2015
I absolutely loved reading this book, it really helped me to get back into reading as I have suffered from a severe slump over the past few months. The story was engaging from start to finish, and I even shed a tear or two!
Profile Image for Amanda Ooi.
135 reviews12 followers
January 18, 2015
This book is so good it keeps me reading and damn! It's so eventful. If you like Eat, Pray, Love, you'll love this book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 233 reviews

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