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Fogas Chronicles #2

Завръщането на Парижанина

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Завръщането на парижанина роман от Джулия Стаг

Когато Стефани удря един нарушител с остаряла франзела, тя изобщо не предполага, че това е новият собственик на ресторанта и току-що го е нападнала. Празненството на Фибиан, за добре дошъл, се превръща от лошо в ужасно. Опитите му да преобрази магазина в нещо модерно се сблъскват с неодобрение от жителите на малката община Фугас във френските Пиренен. Той е на път да признае поражение, когато любов от пръв поглед, разбърква мислите му.

Стефани смята, че е твърде заета за любов. Нейната работа в странноприемницата и опитите да отвори свои екологичен градински център взимат цялата й енергия. Тя изобщо не подозира, че дъщеря й Клое е намислила нещо. Разтревожена от зловещ непознат, който видяла да се размотава в селото, Клое няма към кого да се обърне, Нейната единствена надежда е, че някой ще чуе виковете й за помощ преди да е станало прекалено късно.

В любовен шансон и с много завои, като планински път, нещо неочаквано ще изскочи зад ъгъла.

298 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

Julia Stagg

12 books68 followers
Julia Stagg has led a nomadic existence, spending most of her adult life abroad. She is the author of the Fogas Chronicles (Hodder) set in the idyllic French Pyrenees. Most recently, she has turned her hand to crime and is writing the Dales Detective Series (Pan) under the name of Julia Chapman. The first in the Yorkshire-set series makes its debut in March 2017. Contact her on facebook (Julia Stagg or Dales Detective) or on Twitter @DalesWriter

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Profile Image for Linda.
114 reviews2 followers
May 3, 2013
I loved this book, not the type of thing i read at all, but it was a gentle read, with areal sense of place and characters that i really got to like. I don't know much about France, but that didn't matter as village life there seems pretty similar to life here in the Dales...It is the second, but stands alone. If you need a book book to absorb and carry you along, easy to read , but well written, then this could be for you.
Profile Image for June.
169 reviews77 followers
April 25, 2012
I enjoyed this...maybe not a full 'meal' if you will, but certainly an 'amuse-bouche'...
A rural french village is not exactly welcoming to the Parisian nephew who has come to claim his half of the grocery shop he has inherited from his late uncle. It takes a while,many mishaps,and a brush with danger, before the locals see him as he really is and take him to their hearts..
Profile Image for Irena.
206 reviews12 followers
September 21, 2017
Наивна история на фона на френските Пиринеи, но има всичко - любов, екшън, екология...
Успешно ме приспиваше и действа антистресово.
Profile Image for Jacqueline.
375 reviews27 followers
September 18, 2013
This book continues on immediately where L'Auberge finishes. I liked that it did this; firstly as all my favourite characters are still there and secondly because there was so much more I wanted to know about life in the village. It is all change in Fogas as the focus shifts off Paul and Lorna (the owners of the auberge) and almost immediately we meet a new character `Le Parisian' and to say things don't go to plan for him straight away is a bit of an understatement. His presence is not initially welcome, especially as he wants to make changes. Change is often difficult to accept and especially so when it happens in the heart of the village at the bar/epicerie. It takes the locals some getting used to, although little by little he gains their respect. Things are also changing for Stephanie, as she tries to get her new business off the ground, but with the distractions of a bit of love interest and a few mysterious happenings, things don't go to plan for her either. The other new character makes a much more understated entrance into the village, but is no less integral to the story.

I found there to be a greater sense of community in this book than in the first, with less `political' bickering (which I know to be a common element in French village life). There is a real pulling together, especially at the end when there is drama and a real danger threatens the safety of some of them. French village life may not have the excitement of city life, but there is never a dull moment in Julia's village. I can't wait to get back to Fogas and read book three, to be published next year. Same village, same characters, but someone else's story to be told.
Profile Image for Robert Harrell.
Author 97 books1 follower
October 21, 2014
Another delightful story of the comings and goings of Fogas. Fabian brings change to the commune with his modernisation plans. He is a great character and I could see him clearly. A darker character appears that brings suspense and tension. Can’t say much more than that. There are tantalising glimpses of relationships forming which serve to strengthen the readers bond with the characters but frustratingly, they fluff their lines just at the wrong time. But it certainly keeps you reading. The characters are beautifully drawn. I love Jacques. He is probably the most unique and unusual, and quite an inspired choice. That said, they all feel ‘real’ and living in France for part of the time, I see people just like these.
A must read that has humour, tension and emotion.
Profile Image for Jacquelyn Anderson.
207 reviews1 follower
September 6, 2013
Fun and frivolous, this read captures the politics of rural life. One brutal scene but for the rest a pleasant amble through the French countryside with a little cuisine thrown in as well.
Profile Image for Alice.
1,386 reviews27 followers
March 21, 2022
Mlle Alice, pouvez-vous nous raconter votre rencontre avec Le Retour du Parisien ?
"J'ai bien aimé l'entrée en matière de cette série et le titre et la couverture de ce deuxième tome ne pouvaient que me faire craquer."

Dites-nous en un peu plus sur son histoire...
"Depuis la mort de Jacques, Josette s'occupe seule de l'épicerie en essayant de ne pas penser à ce qui pourrait arriver et dont elle n'a parlé à personne. Mais lorsque son neveu débarque à Fogas, elle va devoir s'y résoudre, la moitié du commerce lui appartient et il a bien l'intention d'y mettre son grain de sel..."

Mais que s'est-il exactement passé entre vous ?
"On le sait, Julia Chapman est très forte pour construire toute une communauté de personnages et c'est ce qui fait que le lecteur est tout de suite à l'aise dans cette lecture. C'est comme retourner en vacances dans un lieu sympathique où l'on connaît tout le monde. Cette fois, le couple d'anglais qui tenait le premier rôle dans le tome précédent est moins présent et ce sont les propriétaires de l'épicerie ainsi que Stéphanie et sa fille qui sont sur le devant de la scène. Là encore, ce sont les personnages secondaires solides bâtis dès le premier opus qui permettent cela et j'aime beaucoup le résultat, changer de héros à chaque nouveau roman, sans perdre pour autant les autres de vue. Après, on ne va pas se mentir, on pourrait prédire absolument tout ce qu'il va se passer après seulement quelques pages et du coup, j'ai trouvé que l'intrigue était un peu longuette à démarrer. Mais une fois dedans, c'est un petit régal."

Et comment cela s'est-il fini ?
"La fin est surprenante. Pas dans son intrigue mais dans l'intensité des sentiments que l'on ressent. D'abord, sous couvert de roman 'léger', Julia Chapman aborde un sujet terrible et ne se contente pas de l'effleurer. Enfin, la conclusion nous émeut parce qu'on les aime ces gens finalement... Et pour ça, bravo."

484 reviews2 followers
February 14, 2018
Reading Julia Stagg's 'The Parisian's Return' was like returning to a loved family. The story is set in the tiny village of Fogas in the French Pyrenees as was her first book 'L'Auberge' which I enjoyed (about an English couple trying to establish a restaurant in the town). Many of the same characters remain as does the same delightful French humour, beautiful descriptions of the countryside, and delicious forays into food and cooking. But you don't have to have read the first book. This time round it's about Fabian who returns to take over a cafe left to him, and his love for Stephanie, an independent single mother. Lots of misunderstandings, some hilarious remarks about unreliable French tradesmen, and a sinister presence in the village that brings a touch of menace to this otherwise gentle story. My favourite character is Stephanie's young daughter who wants to be an acrobat in Cirque du Soleil, whose hero is trapeze artist Jules Leotard, and who is constantly doing cartwheels in the meadows.
Profile Image for Sina & Ilona Glimmerfee.
1,056 reviews119 followers
February 6, 2017
Wer 'Monsieur Papon oder ein Dorf steht Kopf' gelesen hat darf sich jetzt auf diese Fortsetzung freuen, die nahtlos dort beginnt, wo der Leser das Geschehen verlassen hatte.
Fabian hatte sich das eigentlich anders vorgestellt, als er beschloss von Paris in das südfranzösische Dorf zu ziehen. Zur Begrüßung bekommt er ein steinhartes Baguette von Stephanie auf den Kopf geschlagen, da man ihn für einen Einbrecher hält und auch seine alte Tante Josette ist nicht begeistert von der Idee, dass er ihre Èpicerie modernisieren und mit ihr zusammen das Geschäft führen will. Ob er eine Chance erhält für einen Neuanfang?
Ich habe vor ein paar Jahren den ersten Teil gelesen und habe mich sofort wieder in das Dörfchen hineinversetzt gefühlt. Ganz viel Herz, schrullige Dörfler und südfranzösischer Charme wehte mir beim Lesen um die Nase. Es wurde sogar noch richtig spannend. Freue mich schon auf den dritten Teil.
Profile Image for Ренета Кирова.
1,135 reviews32 followers
June 13, 2020
Една история, която се развива в китно малко градче във френските Пиренеи. През цялото време имах чувството, че изпускам нещо и накрая се оказа, че това е втора книга от поредица. Донякъде ми допадна атмосферата - всички се познават и си помагат, задружни са. Но има и много тайни в градчето, които само чакат да бъдат изкарани наяве.
Имаше недомислици в сюжета, а към края на книгата авторката рязко преминава от една идилична обстановка в зловещ психотрилър, където Стефани трябваше да се бори за живота си. Не че преди това нямаше индикации, но как пък никой не се замисли за ставащото в градчето още отначало. А пък парижанина взе, че се влюби от една целувка, въпреки че преди това въобще не поглеждаше момичето!
Като цяло книгата си имаше своите интересни моменти.
Profile Image for Elisabetta.
398 reviews11 followers
May 15, 2022
The second delightful chapter of the Fogas Chronicles is centered on Stephanie's life and the arrival of a Parisian "intruder".
A light read, with some interesting insights on everyday life and problems and Julia Stagg's sense of humour that always snatches more than one laugh to the reader.
I would definitely recommend the book for a quiet afternoon in the company of the people of Fogas, maybe sometimes during your holidays or if you want some relaxing time.

December 6, 2018
A real page turner!

I am really enjoying the Fogas Chronicles. Well written with characters who begin to become acquaintances. Not too sure about 'Jacques' as a less believable member of the cast but that's just my opinion. The rest offer the ideal of a warm and caring community hidden away from the reach of today's world. On now to book 3!
Profile Image for Kayleigh Goodyear.
95 reviews1 follower
March 9, 2020
Really enjoyed this was a nice easy read and a bit of drama at the end was exciting. I found it easier to get into than the one before as the characters were now familiar. I got both from the library and this ended as though there could be another one to follow but my library didn't seem to have any others so that was a shame
Profile Image for Céline.
173 reviews12 followers
September 15, 2022
Un plaisir de retrouver les personnages rencontrés dans le tome 1 des Chroniques de Fogas. Cette fois, ce n'est plus le couple d'anglais de l'auberge à l'honneur mais Josette de l'épicerie ainsi de Stéphanie et sa fille. L'histoire n'a rien de surprenant mais l'ambiance du livre est tel qu'on dévore les pages quand même !
Profile Image for Janneke.
454 reviews3 followers
July 1, 2018
Deel 2 van de serie die zich afspeelt in Fogas, een dorpje in de Pyreneeën. Kan als zelfstandig boek gelezen worden, maar de personages uit het eerste deel spelen allemaal weer een rol.
In een adem uitgelezen.
751 reviews
September 16, 2022
Another delightful instalment in this series set in the French Pyrenees, although the final chapters tackle more serious issues, the subject matter is handled with restraint. I have begun book #3 already.
Profile Image for Kathie.
65 reviews
July 17, 2017
A sweet & entertaining story. I thorough enjoyed this book. The humour & the drama, oh and of course the romance!
Profile Image for Floor Heus.
73 reviews5 followers
May 29, 2018
erg vermakelijk, leuke types, leuk dat het over een Frans bergdorp gaat, best heftige plot.
114 reviews
November 22, 2018
Ok lightweight book. Sort of thing which is easy to read if you’re not well or very stressed and you just want something easy to read and escapist. Mildly amusing.
Profile Image for Martin Turner.
304 reviews3 followers
June 30, 2020
Charming read.this is the second in the Fogas Chronicles series. It starts as a light read but ends being quite a thriller. This left me wanting to read more.
Profile Image for Carmen Lee_and_Lee.
313 reviews19 followers
July 8, 2020
La segunda parte de la saga de Fogas. No es una obra maestra, las tramas son muy previsibles, pero se deja querer. No está mal.
September 29, 2020
Really lovely story

I am very much enjoying these chronicles of life in this French village. Looking forward to reading the next instalment.
Profile Image for Селина Йонкова.
386 reviews19 followers
May 8, 2021
върви усилено тази поредица към подражание на джоан харис и нейните “сладки” истории във френската провинция. но... от мен да мине, стана! 😀
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